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Wolf Lake and the surrounding area has been and should continue to be a thriving ecological and popular recreational location. The act of mineral exploitation will disrupt the surrounding environment beyond the means of any future reclamation. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake is a very heavily used recreational lake, as well as a globally significant ecological area. Three of the four sites on the two applications at Wolf Lake (019-0593 & 019-2230) are favoured campsites. All Lire davantage

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I do not support this project. These areas are important for natural habitat. Maintaining a healthy ecosystem in addition to allowing recreation activities like the canoe tripping that takes place in the area need to be protected. Lire davantage

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This site is significant and valuable with regards to its ecology, human recreational activity, and natural beauty. This proposal would destroy these aspects and trespass on our values as citizens of Northern Ontario. This site has the right to remain pristine and free of industrial activity.

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I have made my living from the benefits of mining in Northern Ontario. That said, I am acutely aware of the progress that mining has made with respect to environmental stewardship. Lire davantage

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There can be no question, in good conscience or faith, that could support this proposal in it's fullest merits. In a world of rapidly shrinking natural areas, habitats, and ecosystems, it is simply egregiously selfish to even consider a proposal such as this. Lire davantage

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Please listen to the folks who enjoy this beautiful area for wilderness exploration, canoeing, and camping and do not move forward with this mining exploration proposal. This is one of the oldest red pine growth forests in Canada as well as a crucial part of our Boreal Forest. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake is a very heavily used recreational lake, as well as a globally significant ecological area. Exploration activity in this area will have unacceptably high disturbance to the ecological and social values. This application should not be approved. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake is a very heavily used recreational lake as well as a globally significant ecological area. Exploration activity in this region will have exceptionally high disturbance to the ecological and social values that are unacceptable to our great lands. This application should not be approved. Lire davantage

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It's ignorant and irresponsible to consider disrupting an area like this. It is concerning that it is even being considered to use this rare and supposedly protected area. This will turn this land into a commodity in a way that will only serve a very small amount of people. Lire davantage

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Please do not approve mineral exploration in the Wolf Lake old growth forest. Wolf Lake is the largest old growth red pine forest and is very important ecosystem in the area. It is also a very popular tourist / recreational area for avid campers, and campers. Lire davantage