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No mining, exploratory drilling, or other extractive industries in Temagami. Impact assessments and public consultations are inadequate; please leave Temagami in peace it is worth more than money.

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Wolf lake is a significant global ecological area. Exploration in this area will have an extreme impact on its ecological and social values. For this reason I ask that this application be denied for the sole reason of historic land preservation. Lire davantage

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This is abhorrent. Not an option, in my opinion. We, as a country are doing horribly at caring for this environment that supports us, and future generations economically, physiologically, spiritually, emotionally, . DO NOT exploit this land. Lire davantage

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As an avid back country camper, I have travelled on this lake numerous times and enjoyed its unique beauty. This proposal would negatively impact my access to established camp sites and degrade the experience. For that reason, I would like this area to be preserved for recreational use.

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This is an old growth red pine forested area. It should not be used for mining as this would be demolishing and destroying the ecosystem as well as removing an area used by many for canoeing and immersing in nature for many Northern Ontario residents.

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The Wolf Lake Forest Reserve is home to the largest old-growth red pine dominated forest in the entire world. It is absolutely unique in that respect. There are plenty of other places in Ontario for Flag Resources to explore for minerals. Lire davantage

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Please do NOT to approve new and damaging mineral exploration in Wolf Lake old growth forest. Wolf Lake is the largest known old growth red pine forest and the missing link in the Chiniguchi Waterway Provincial Park. Lire davantage

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Please do not go through with this. Honor your word to leave Wolf Lake alone. Protect native lands. As white settlers, we are uninvited guests and we need to respect our hosts and their home - this beautiful land and water.

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As a person that truly was mesmerized by the beauty, serenity and wildness of the Wolf Lake area last year (2019) on a canoe trip, and as a defender of the old growth red pine forest, I strongly oppose this motion for mining exploration. Lire davantage

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Due to the environmental significance of the forest proposed for this project, and furthermore the general harm of these operations as a whole on physical environment and wildlife, I feel this is not in the best interest of Canadians as a whole.

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Dear Mr Laine I’m sure you have already received numerous comments regarding Flag Resources and the importance of preserving the old growth forests and the delicate ecosystem surrounding Wolf Lake (an area I have visited and hiked/swam at on several occasions). Lire davantage

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Please no mining. Such a beautiful and special space should be preserved. Mining infrastructure has the potential to negatively effect ecosystems in the area, making it less desirable for wildlife as well as visitors hoping to experience the wonders Temagami has to offer!