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Claim numbers: 126920, 162230, 221645, 324766 Please do not approve these claims. I’ve been advised that this area around Wolfe Lake has one of the last ‘old growth’ forest in the Sudbury area. This forest needs to be treasured and preserved. Lire davantage

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Dear Minister, As a lifelong resident and settler of Northern Ontario, a mother, a partner to an Anishinaabe person who is a caretaker of this land, and someone who deeply values this land, I ask that you do not approve new and damaging mineral exploration in Wolf Lake old growth forest. Lire davantage

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This area is recreational camping area and a unique and sensitive ecosystem. Do not open it up for exploration. Yes, exploration and mining are a very necessary part of our economy but Ontatio is vast and full of resources. Some places are worth saving. Thank you Lire davantage

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It is disappointing to hear of this proposal to disturb and destroy one of the few old growth forests left in the province. This unique ecosystem has intrinsic value far beyond any mineral extraction it might provide. Lire davantage

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This is a unique ecosystem and its loss to commercial interests would be incalculable. Preservation of this space is key, and this means considering prior work done to date and balancing that against what damage additional, future work would do to this space.

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I am opposed to development of any kind in this area that will inevitably affect the skyline, Water flow or air/sound quality. The canoe and trail routes thru the proposed area are important to the health and enjoyment of many generations of people past, present and for the future. Lire davantage

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I am against this proposal for many reasons. I have grown up in the area and have spent 40 years enjoying its natural beauty. The area hosts a substantial old growth forest, beautiful granite outcroppings and is a very popular canoe and recreational area. Lire davantage

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My family and I are moving to Ontario from Monreal this time next year. Part of what motivated us was the exquisite natural beauty we could be near to and savor (we live in a downtown area right now). Plans like this one are short sighted. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake must be protected. Do not allow mining interests to ruin our shared heritage and future. Once gone, the old growth pine can't simply come back into existence. And for what? Near-term gains that sacrifice our health and that of our children. Protect Wolf Lake.

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Wolf Lake is a very heavily used recreational lake, as well as a globally significant ecological area. Three of the four sites on the two applications at Wolf Lake (019-0593 & 019-2230) are favoured campsites. All Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake Forest Reserve is a popular area for canoe nature tourism. has a detailed description of the area camp sites and canoe routes, which I've included as an attachment. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake, the world’s largest remaining old-growth red pine forest—some 300 years old and 15 stories high—is essential to Ontario's biodiversity and needs immediate protection. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow any mining exploration or development here. Old growth Red Pine and connection to a culturally significant waterway that connects Sudbury to Temagami is far more valuable to the greater public than a mine. Allowing this exploration to take place would be devasting. Lire davantage

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I apose any mining exploration in the Wolf Lake area! This is such a natural asset that no amount of minerals could justify destroying it. My family has been canoeing and hiking this area of the Temagami water shed for more than a decade and will be heartbroken if this if allowed to proceed.

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Natural wilderness areas are incredibly important for recreation and ecological conservation and absolutely must be protected. It's such a shame that mining activities may threaten the wellbeing of the Wolf Lake area. Lire davantage

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I urge the Ministry to reject Flag Resources application for an exploration permit in the Wolf Lake area where one of the few remaining stands of old-growth forest in Ontario. Consider these startling facts: Lire davantage

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Do Not Mine Here! There are important waterways in this area. The Old-Growth Forest is sacred land to many Ontarians, Canadians, and visitors from around the world who get to experience the pristine natural beauty. Lire davantage