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As referred to in the submission by Friends of Temagami, Earthroots, Northwatch, Sudbury Naturalists Club, Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury, and Members of the Wolf Lake Coalition Steering Committee, these proposed sites all contain 300-year old growth pines, which provide a critical ecosystem that Lire davantage

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Wolf lake is a heavily used recreational lake, as well a globaly significant ecological area. Exploration activity in this area will have unacceptabley high disturbances to the ecological and social values. This application should not be approved.

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I am adamantly opposed to this proposal. Wolf Lake is home to irreplaceable old growth forest and is invaluable to locals, nature lovers, as well as, the local tourism industry. Lire davantage

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The largest known old growth red pine forest, and the only place you can see Sudbury's orginal landscape. Can't get more special than that. Please do what has been promised for years and years, protect this amazing landscape for current and future generations to love and explore. Lire davantage

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If it can be proved that the old growth stand lies directly above a major deposit, then drilling in that area is perhaps justified. This proof should be established by responsibly drilling from off the heritage site to outline said hypothetical deposit. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake is the largest known old growth red pine forest and the missing link in the Chiniguchi Waterway Provincial Park. It is past time to fulfill the promise to protect Wolf Lake as a park for present and future generations. Lire davantage

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Cannot believe destroying our natural resources would even be an option. Wolf Lake is a very heavily used recreational lake, as well as a globally significant ecological area. Exploration activity in this area will have unacceptably high disturbance to the ecological and social values. Lire davantage

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Please do not mine or explore the Temagami area - specifically Wolf Lake. It should be clear that this isn’t our land to even begin doing so. We must be protecting and preserving these natural areas. Lire davantage

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I'm disappointed in the mining companies wanting to explore and drill, they need to leave wolf lake alone the environment is a perfect habitat for blanded turtles, eagles, hawks and other animals, birds and amphibians that I have seen. Lire davantage

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Destructive mining should NOT take place here. This is an ecologically and historically significant old growth forest and destroying it in part or in whole will have irreversible negative impacts.

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Drilling and excavating in one of Ontario’s oldest forests will have devastating impacts on both the ecology and community of our First Nations peoples. Please reconsider this project. This would be an irreparable loss for the Temagami region.

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Protecting old growth forests is essential to fighting climate change. Wolf Lake is the largest known old growth red pine forest. I oppose this plan for mining exploration in the Wolf Lake region.

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Please do not allow this type of mineral exploration in such a beautiful and pristine environment as Wolf Lake. What minerals are so important to look for? And are they not available elsewhere? And what is their purpose? Lire davantage