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It is unacceptable to permit any mining or even preliminary exploration in the Wolf Lake area. The part of Ontario encompasses a rare and fragile ecosystem which will suffer irreparable harm from this type of resource extraction. The proposed activity cannot go forward.

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Please, leave this virgin forest alone. We need these Pine Forests to show generations to come the beauty of the Old Growth that the Explorers saw when they travelled Northern Ontario. Mining this area will destroy the Old Growth and pollute the waters around it that will destroy what we now have. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake should have been protected along time ago and now the flag mining permits are active again. Mining exploration will seriously impact and cause unnecessary harm to a fragile ecosystem. Keep mining out of the Temagami and out of Wolf Lake!

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I have traveled this area many times on canoe trip and its a beautiful place, its a place id like to take my kids too when they reach an age to join me on my canoe trip. Destroying the largest old growth forest to mine is shame and greedy. Lire davantage

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I find this proposal to be negligent and damaging for the region marked. Wolf Lake and Paradise Lagoon are both within the rural limits of the City of Greater Sudbury (Ward Seven). Lire davantage

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I would like to comment on 019-2230. I believe the proposed mining activities would have significant impact to the surrounding preserves and lands. I would like to see detailed assessments of the proposed activities and plans to mitigate or prevent ecological degradation.

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Wolf Lake is a very heavily used recreational lake, three of the four sites on the two applications at Wolf Lake (019-0593 & 019-2230) are favoured campsites. It is also a globally significant ecological area, all of the sites have significant old red pine ecosystems. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake is a very heavily used recreational lake, as well as a globally significant ecological area. Exploration activity in this area will have unacceptably high disturbance to the ecological and social values. This application should not be approved.

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This application should not be approved as Wolf Lake is a globally significant ecological area that needs to be protected. The disturbance and degradation of this old growth forest would have catastrophic implications. Lire davantage

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Please protect the old growth forest. It is the only forest left that gives an idea as to what the Sudbury region looked liked more than a hundred years ago, before logging and mining forever scarred the landscape and gave Sudbury such a negative reputation. Lire davantage