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I am all for protecting old growth forests. 21 years of protection from the government and now you decide to ruin a beautiful piece of land for mining practices. Please don't harm this ecosystem and the animals that call it home!

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I am strongly against this project proposal. This beautiful wilderness area and it's resources must be preserved. It is part of a renowned canoe route which bring people from around the province. This cannot be poisoned by the ruins of the mining efforts proposed. Lire davantage

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This proposal is unbelievable. Do you not see what type of condition our earth is currently in ? We are in an environmental crisis... this area needs to be protected at all cost. DO NOT destroy wolf lake. I appose to this proposal. Chanel Lire davantage

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For the love of nature, the birds, wolves, deers, moose, bunnies and all living animals who have a home here. Please don’t do this. We need to leave this nature untouched. I believe the government has done enough already. Lire davantage

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Paddling the Chiniguchi River nearly ten years ago remains one of the best memories of my move to Sudbury, Ontario. With fires happening all over the world, it becomes even more imperative to protect the old growth forests than ever. Lire davantage

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Root Rescue Environmental Products

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To whom it may concern, Wolf Lake is the largest known old growth red pine forest in North America, the missing link in the Chiniguchi Waterway Provincial Park, and, as intended for Forest Reserves, will be brought into the Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake is the largest known old growth red pine forest and the missing link in the Chiniguchi Waterway Provincial Park. It is past time to fulfil the promise to protect Wolf Lake as a park for present and future generations. Lire davantage

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This area contains one of the oldest forest growths in the area. The entire area is a gem and important for outdoor enthusiasts and the citizens of Greater Sudbury. It should be left undisturbed. It is completely unacceptable to even entertain this proposal. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake needs to be preserved!, All of temagami is such a vast and pure wilderness area unlike any other. I understand the logging that happens but this proposal would destroy the long lasting peace and tranquility surrounding the entire area, never mind just Wolf Lake. Lire davantage

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It’s essential to mine, but how and where we do it matters. Will the exploration group is doing their best to install run off barriers and ensuring that the drilling contractor is doing the most they can to reduce poor practice. What is in place to ensure this will happen if it’s approved? Lire davantage

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We recently spent a week in Temiskaming shores. Wonderful wild beautiful part of our province. Hope to return next summer. One of the attractions was the forests and walking on the trails. One of the disappointments was driving through areas where logging had taken place. What desolation!! Lire davantage

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Stop this madness. This is the world's last remaining old growth pine forest and it cannot be recreated using money to line a few individuals pockets. Our family have inhabited this land for over 100 years and are completed against and resource extraction of the Grater Temagami area. Lire davantage

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You are taking one of Ontario’s treasures away from our people. In the year 2020, we should be respectful of what mother nature has given us and limit the use of selfishness on a global scale. As Canadians, we respect the land that is given to us and the “bigger man” should respect that too.