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This land should continue to be protected from mining activities. As a Canadian and resident of Ontario, I do not support the proposed permit to begin exploratory mining activities. Lire davantage

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I am strongly against this proposal. Wolf Lake is the largest known old growth red pine forest, it MUST be protected. Renewed mining pressures continue to endanger this fragile ecosystem. It has been 21 long years since the Ontario government promised to protect Wolf Lake. Lire davantage

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This is not something that should go ahead. Old growth red pine is not in abundance, and not something to put machinery through. These areas are important ecological fixtures for the area and there’s been enough mineral exploration it’s not needed. Lire davantage

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I would be very upset to see mineral/mining exploration done on these grounds. We should be safeguarding and preserving the old growth forests above any economic activity. I do not support this proposal. Thank you, Lire davantage

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Honour our commitment to protect natural spaces, we cannot afford to impact this ecologically sensitive and important area. We do not support industrial development, or exploratory drilling here. Protect our parks!

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This would negatively impact the Wolf Lake and McConnell Bay Canoe route which has been active and one of the most beautiful routes to travel for multiple generations. It is home to some of the clearest and more pristine lakes and is a gem of the Ontario wilderness. Lire davantage

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I totally disagree with allowing this exploration to happen here. I understand the need for resources, but there must be an alternative to destroying our beautiful natural landscapes and the wildlife that live within them. Please reconsider. PS I’m a conservative! Lire davantage

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Please reconsider the project for mining exploration near Wolf Lake, Temagami. This region includes old growth forest, which is an irreplaceable part of the ecosystem and also encourages recreational use in the area. There are other ways to generate revenue.

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As one of thousands of people who gathered on Red Squirrel road Temagami and remained for weeks on end to preserve and protect old growth forests from greedy logging companies. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow mining in this old growth forest. This area needs to be protected from the mining industry as old growth forest cannot be replaced. This area needs to be conserved and mining and any kind of forestry needs to be forbidden. Lire davantage

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It's time to start putting what little is left of our truly natural areas ahead of relatively minuscule profits. There is no need to be looking for anything in the temagami region. Old growth forests are far more important to our future than what is being recognized. Lire davantage

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I urge the Government of Ontario NOTto approve this proposal. Wolf Lake area is the largest known old growth red pine forest, and mineral exploration would be devastating for this fragile ecosystem, including the proposed mechanized stripping, pitting and trenching, and line cutting. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow any exploitation of this Ontario gem. It has long been a forest preserve and should remain as such. Wolf Lake is an important part of Ontario Parks and the Chiniguichi Waterway. Lire davantage