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Allowing exploration is irresponsible as it opens the door for further mining at the expense of the unique old growth forest ecosystem. I would be disappointed if the Ontario government allows this. Lire davantage

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This land should be left untouched. It’s currently being used and enjoyed for its beauty and wilderness and should continue to be used as such. Mining has been left such an impact in the surrounding land of Sudbury let us please try to leave this region to be enjoyed by future generations as is. Lire davantage

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I grew up in Sudbury. But I no longer live there. That being said this matter with mining exploration at Wolf Lake an not be allowed to happen. Those old growth pine trees have to be respected and preserved. They're part of Canada and humankinds heritage. Lire davantage

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I strongly disagree w this proposal. It is a complete disgrace to treat our land in this way. Time and time again we are given opportunity to protect this earth but yet we pass on this for profit. At what point will this capitalist colonial mindset be see for the toxic destruction it is. Lire davantage

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My name is Lianne and I think this is a terrible idea. Please reconsider preserving this beautiful area's integrity. This is a place many love to visit and know for its healing and natural beauty. If we keep destroying areas like this we will have nothing like it in the north. Lire davantage

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I do not agree with the mining exploration of Wolf lake in Sudbury, Ontario. I am very familiar with the area near wolf lake and would be devestated if it was closed off from the public for such purposes. Our beautiful land deserves to be protected, not torn apart and polluted. Lire davantage

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Please do not destroy this beautiful sanctuary we the citizens of Sudbury and surrounding areas enjoy with our families, this is the one place that is untouched and still remains paradise. I spend much of my time out in the wolf lake area camping and enjoying my days at the paradise lagoon. Lire davantage

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This comment is behalf of River & Sky Camping/ Music Festival - we operate in Field, and the venue is located on the sturgeon river. We strongly oppose the ministry moving forward with this project. Lire davantage

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This application needs to be denied and the province needs to uphold its promise to bring this culturally and biologically important area into protection within the park system. Lire davantage

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Please save our forests this is so important for our future to preserve what we have left. It’s important to our diverse ecosystem, it’s important to our families. We need to draw a line somewhere.