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Wolf lake is a special place to a lot of people, myself included. This idea is ludicrous and infringes upon the rights of future generations to enjoy the landscape. These old growth forests will not regenerate for a thousand years

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Wolf Lake is not only an outstanding natural beauty, but sits at a three-way crossroads along the canoe routes in the Chiniguchi region. On any typical day in June-August several groups of travelers will visit this lake. Lire davantage

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This year has shown that there is already a shortage of protected wilderness areas intended for recreational use. The entire temagami area should be protected. All remaining old growth forests in ontario should be protected. Old growth forests are not a renewable resource. Lire davantage

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Exploration and mining are a huge part of this Country’s economy. I think it is necessary to move forward with such projects. From my understanding, drilling does not harm the environment. Lire davantage

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Wolf lake is a very special place for so many. It has some of the clearest water I have ever had the pleasure of paddling in and some Beautiful campsites. The red pine forest is another important highlight. Lire davantage

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Deny this proposal. This area has the largest known old growth red pine forest. It needs to be protected not abused. Shame on you government of Canada for even considering this proposal. Lire davantage

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Please do not do this project. This is vital, sensitive land. The Ontario gov promised to protect this site years ago, its time to do just that!! Let's focus on green energy and protecting vital ecosystems!!!

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As a concerned citizen, seeing the government is willing to back out on it’s promise to protect this - I will veraciously campaign against the local MPP, the provincial government and federal candidates. Lire davantage

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Mining should not be allowed to take place in an area rich with biodiversity, important stands of Ontario's oldest and largest Red Pines in addition to many old growth White Pine. The value of Wolf Lake is priceless and is best left intact for future generations to enjoy its wilderness experience. Lire davantage

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I’ve been canoeing in Temagami since I was nine years old. I’m 26 as of the date of this comment. I feel a spiritual connection to the land of Temagami and Wolf lake in particular. My most powerful, formative experiences took place on this land. Lire davantage

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Wolfe Lake must be preserved. As the oldest red pine forest in the world, here in Ontario, we have a duty to protect and keep it unspoiled. Please ensure promises are kept by protecting this beautiful gem. Mineral exploration is an environmental disaster and would kill off this majestic area. Lire davantage

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We need to protect and conserve our forests and wetlands in order to combat the harsh effects of climate change. This policy would ensure that this area is protected from mining and development that would only increase the negative impacts of climate change!

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The proposal to mine near Wolf Lake would have a plethora of negative impacts if accepted. Though mining is a large contributor to Canada's economy, it is not without negative impact. Lire davantage