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Temagami is some of the most beautiful landscape in Ontario and in Canada. Mining for it's resouses seems like such a same an would really ruin its raw landscape. Canoe routes would be disturbed and the old growth forest would be destroyed. please do not exploit this land for it's resouses Lire davantage

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Please please reconsider this plan. Whatever short term financial gains may be derived by mining are surely irrelevant when weighed against the damage and loss of this irreplaceable and unique natural environment. Lire davantage

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Why, in our endless search for individual wealth, do we encourage the ruination of a protected forest area that has provided endless recreation and enjoyment of this super-natural, old growth land....that cannot nor ever will be, replaced ? Lire davantage

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I do not think that mining should be allowed in an old growth forest. We must protect the forests in the water we can’t be polluting the atmosphere and ecology. It is too risky to pollute the natural clean water in the area. Lire davantage

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You can't do this. Protect Wolf Lake and the surrounding Temagami area. One of the oldest red pine forests should be treated with respect and needs to be protected. If not by the government of environment then by who? Lire davantage

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It is very important to protect ecosystems, not only for the safety and health of the surrounding area, but for the long-term, wide-spread effects. This area must be protected and mining it will only do harm, regardless of what “safety measures” are put in place.

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I’ve been to wolf lake for the better half of my life! The memories and appreciation of our soil I’ve fathomed while being on Wolf Lake has been instrumental to who I am today. Lire davantage

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This is an upsetting and poorly thought out plan. We should be investing in the longevity of nature and human well being. Destroying wolf lake serves a temporary need, this beauty is not easily renewable. Lire davantage

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We must protect the old growth red pine forest surrounding Wolf Lake. This is unbelievable that we have to protest and beg in order for our government to actually protect natural ‘resources’ and wilderness.

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Please don’t go forward with the mining. The red pines in this area are important and need to be protected. The last thing 2020 needs is this. Please save wolf lake and protect it for the future of the planet.