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Work with the Nature Conservancy of Canada to reach an agreement acceptable for all. They have a depth of experience in such matters of negotiation. Sensitive and environmentally-significant areas need to be protected from development. It is critical for us and for nature. Lire davantage

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Flag Resources has put in a new application for mineral exploration at Wolf Lake. If approved, they could use heavy equipment to get in, strip trees, vegetation and soil, excavate rock, and drill, causing unacceptable damage to this sensitive and endangered ecosystem. Lire davantage

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As a person who grew up in Ontario and spent many summers in Temagami on canoe trips, I implore you not to approve the new application from Flag Resources for mineral exploration at Wolf Lake. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake absolutely must be protected. True progress does not result in the destruction of an ancient and beautiful land that everyone can access that was traded for a few rich men to seek profit. Lire davantage

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I do not support new mineral exploration in the old growth forest of Wolf Lake. This is the largest know old growth red pine forest, and we have been promised in the past that it will be preserved. When will this promise be fulfilled? Lire davantage

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From the standpoint as an Ontario citizen and recreational user of provincial land this mining proposal will be incurring irreparable damage to a sensitive ecosystem thereby impacting the public health and safety to users of this forest reserve including Wahnapite First Nations. Lire davantage

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The proposed area, particularly Wolf Lake, is one of the most beautiful wilderness areas in Ontario. I have been going there since I was little with my family and cherish the natural beauty of the region with its old growth red pine forests. Lire davantage

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We can’t just replace an old forest. Places like these need to be protected for future generations. I want my kids and their kids and their kids to be able to experience true wilderness. Lire davantage

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I really wish this wasn't happening but somehow I feel there is no stopping the greed. Please clean up after yourself. I'm sick of seeing all the garbage left behind by miners and loggers in this beautiful wilderness and please don't pollute the water.

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I would be very disappointed to see this proposal be approved. The proposed site is located in an old growth forest that has been left untouched. Organizations such as Freinds of Temagimi have maintained hiking trails, campsites, and canoe routes in the area around Wolf Lake for people to enjoy. Lire davantage

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Can't believe this land isn't protected yet after 21 years. I couldn't imagine what the area would be like if they approved the mine. One this I do know is whatever resources they could get from there will never out way the importance of keeping the land the way it is now.

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I strongly oppose any new mineral exploration in the Wolf Lake area north-east of Sudbury. As a tourist outfitter in Temagami I know that this area is too valuable for its old growth forest and tourism to be spoiled by any mining related activity. Put a stop to this now! Lire davantage

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Save wolf lake. We need to protect our natural resources and leave them untouched. It is imperative that we protect our old growth forests. Turning this area into a conservation site is the direction that we need. We do not need any more exploratory mining. Lire davantage

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The value of the Wolf Lake area in its natural state is worth far more than any of the mineral resources that could ever be extracted. I say NO to development for resource extraction. Lire davantage