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hello, Please do not proceed with mining in Temagami. It is a wonderful natural resources and those forests are very important to our environment. Please do not do mining here. Thank you. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow mining in the Wolf Lake Forest reserve. The Ontario government should hold to their promise to include the area into the surrounding provincial Park. This area is too precious as a forest reserve as well as a camping and canoeing recreation area.

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Wolf Lake and this are should be protected as the largest old growth red pine forest. The government of Ontario must be commited to protecting areas with such ecological importance over short term gains of mining exploration. Lire davantage

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As one of the last old growth red pine forests, this area must be protected from development. It is so important to keep these areas protected because they don’t exist elsewhere anymore.Please save this area from harmful and degrading development.

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These proposed mining sites on Wolf Lake need to be discontinued immediately This is the largest known old growth red pine forest and MUST be protected. Renewed mining pressures continue to endanger this fragile ecosystem. The Ontario government promised 21-years-ago to protect Wolf Lake. Lire davantage

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Please re consider this decision. We need to keep this land safe and protected. This is the largest red pine forest in the world, surely that means something. Keep this sacred land safe. Lire davantage

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I am strongly against mining and mineral exploitation in the Wolf Lake area. I am a property owner in Lake Temagami, as well as a canoeist. This is one of the last old growth forests, with a pristine and fragile ecosystem. Lire davantage

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It's pretty simple. You made a promise to protect the area. It's your children's future at stake. Decades later still didn't follow through. Disgraceful. Why not try taking your children or grandchildren for a hike through then tell them you're going to destroy it. Lire davantage

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No reason to be doing exploration in this area. This is crown land, and the public should have a say if this should continue. There are very few places left like wolf lake, and the destroy it only to line the pockets of someone who has probably never even been there is not right. Lire davantage

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The Ontario government promised to protect Wolf Lake. Destroying the natural habitat surrounding it is an obvious betrayal of that promise. This area also includes old growth forest, which should be protected as well. This proposal should be denied, full stop.