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I am strongly against mining in this region, this ecosystem needs to be protected and this protection, previously promised by the Canadian government, should not be jeopardized. Please do not issue this mining permit. Please DO continue protecting this pine forest from industry.

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This land should be protected from any exploratory mining. Old growth forests and protected land is being destroyed at an alarming rate. This area is unique and contributes to the fight against global warming. Lire davantage

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Sudburys landscape is already destroyed enough, vale mines leak tailings water and acid into the environment... we need to preserve what nature we have left or Sudbury will be one big open pit and underground mine Lire davantage

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Please stop this proposed minning and protect whats left of our beautiful lakes. Wolf lake and its diverse habitat deserves to be saved for generations, to learn from an enjoy it astounding beauty.

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Wolf lake is for many, paradise right in our backyard. It should be left untouched as it is pristine, beautiful and enjoyed by lots. It would be a great shame if it were to be sabotaged as places like this are few and far in between. I'm off to enjoy it for a week in a couple days. Lire davantage

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Mining exploration will damage the fragile ecosystem in this incredible, important stand if old growth red pine, the largest remaining in the world. Please let's leave it be and explore other options outside of this area.

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The area needs to be protected. Stop the mining in areas of old growth forests. This resource is far more precious and valuable than the minerals underground. Once it's gone we cannot get it back.

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I am not in favour of this proposal. The beautiful, fragile ecosystem of/around Wolf Lake is an important Canadian Treasure. We need to protect our old growth forests, not expoilt them for temporary economic gain. Lire davantage

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the fact that the government thinks this would be a good idea is sad it is the last old growth red pine forest.Are jobs as humans should be to protect this magical planet, but we choose to destroy it instead. lets show our next generation that we tryed to save this planet and help conserve it.

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Please protect this beautiful lake from industry. It is gone to an incredibly rare ecosystem that can never be reclaimed. Letting it get destroyed to open temporary mines is simply wrong. Protect our forests. Lire davantage

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I’m here to support friends of temagami in hopes to not extract resources from this area and leave it as a natural wild area. We are losing to many of these precious places. Thanks you

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Please protect this precious area and don’t let it be destroyed. I grew up camping here and have the best memories. I hope that one day my children will be able to do the same, but not if it’s destroyed.

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Wolf Lake is a very heavily used recreational lake, as well as a globally significant ecological area. Three of the four sites on the two applications at Wolf Lake (019-0593 & 019-2230) are favoured campsites. All of the sites have significant old red pine ecosystems. Lire davantage

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This is one of the last prestine, canoe tripping areas in Northern Ontario. Has some of the largest old growth forests in Ontario. It seems like a no brainer to keep our northern wilderness intact. Wolf lake is stunning and a vital part of the chiniguichi waterway canoe route. Lire davantage