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I do not support exploration or other related resource extraction activity. Wolf Lake and a buffer should be protected and conserved as an irreplaceable ecosystem in northern Ontario Lire davantage

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This proposal must be denied! This is a beautiful, precious and fragile ecosystem. We have already lost all old growth forest in the Sudbury Area from mining. There are many already known mineral deposits in our area that can be mined with out pillaging a new area of ancient forest and wildlife.

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It's part of the Chiniguchi Waterway. Leave it alone! The MNR and Laurentian University have spent tireless amount of hours and money to rehabilitate the lake. Leave it alone! I already trip on the old rods left behind from many years back. We don't need more. Leave it alone. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake, the world’s largest remaining old-growth red pine forest—some 300 years old and 15 stories high—is essential to Ontario's biodiversity and needs immediate protection. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake, the world’s largest remaining old-growth red pine forest—some 300 years old —is essential to Ontario's biodiversity and needs immediate protection. You can help. Lire davantage

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Please help us protect this pristine land. I work in the mining industry, and know very well that these exploration companies ravage forests and don't exercise much care and caution for the trees and land. Lire davantage

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I believe this proposal is a travesty. The Wolf Lake area and Temagami in general is an area of the utmost importance and contains the most pristine forests in our province. It brings visitors like myself to the area for the beauty that the forest offers. Lire davantage

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I oppose this vehemently despite living several hundres of KMs away. We need to be protecting rare ecosystems. This is the largest old growth red pine forest in North America. We need to be setting examples and making decisions which do not consistently favour the short-term. Lire davantage

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These operations need to consider the long term ecological and environmental impacts. I do not believe there has been a sufficient assessment of how these environments and communities will be impacted in the long term. Forests and maintaining ecosystems need to be a priority.

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> "The Wolf Lake area…contains a large contiguous area of old growth red pine, which may be the largest remaining old growth red pine dominated forest in Ontario (OMNR 1999)." [1] Lire davantage

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I think it is an irresponsible decision to allow any sort of drilling, pitting, stripping or trenching in the proposed zone. This is a beautifully pristine area used by countless community members and tourists who frequent the area. Lire davantage