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Wolf lake represents a truly rare environment and representation of what Sudbury used to look like precontact. I understand that this proposed work only represents disturbs a small area now, but can lead to large and devastating areas in the future if allowed to proceed. Lire davantage

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In the middle of one of the most prized areas for recreational activities stand Ontario’s most magnificent stand of old Growth Red pine forest. It should be protected, not bulldozed and mechanically devastated in the name of mining exploration. Lire davantage

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Wolf lake is a place where family’s take there kids, people go to unwind, and to help find them self. Mining this land will not only hurt the animals that live there and the forest but the many people that use it to help them survive there own mind!

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Hello, Please find another way to make money and leave nature alone. There are many sustainable resources that can be developed into stuff to make money from. We need to stop destroying the Earth for financial gain. Please don't do this. Best, Amanda Lire davantage

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Hello, I am very concerned about this proposal. I recently returned from a canoeing trip to Temagami. The land was beautiful, pristine and, as my friends and I were discussing, undoubtedly has many environmental benefits including a large carbon sink capacity. Lire davantage

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Protection for Wolf Lake in the Temagami Region has been fought for for many years. This 'second generation' attempt to mine this area is concerning and discouraging. Please decline the mine. Lire davantage

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I am very much opposed to this proposal. Any company that wants to take resources should need to do so in a much more respectful process, rather than clear cutting as had been done in this area already. Practices are not environmentally friendly. Lire davantage