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Considering that this is a rare, old and endangered are of red pines, I am very much against mining in this area. In fact, I highly support conserving this area and ensuring that it is becomes a protected land area. Lire davantage

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This area is ecologically important to Ontario, Canada and the world. The best Red Pine forests are located here. Exploration for Minerals would seriously impact this forest. The application should be refused!

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The Wolf Lake region includes an old growth Red Pine forest. This is a globally significant area and is deserving of protection. Please reject the proposed mining operation in the Wolf Lake region. This ancient ecosystem is irreplaceable and will be unrecognizably damaged by the proposed operation. Lire davantage

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This area should be protected at all costs. To often delicate ecosystems or historic geological/ecological sites are disturbed or ruined due to corporate greed and that should not be allowed to happen here. Lire davantage

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This project should not move forward because the proposed location is a unique ecosystem where the world‘s only old growth red pine forest exists. There is intrinsic value in protecting natural amenities. Lire davantage

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Dont go mining at and destructing one of Canada's last remaining old growth forests, these are extremely important habitats to care for and protect beyond the life time of any product. Lire davantage

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Regarding... Flag Resources (1985) Limited- Mineral exploration permit Instrument type: Mineral exploration permit ERO number 019-2230 Ministry reference number PR-20-000244 This application should not be approved. Lire davantage

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This is an absolute travesty. The land overlying the minerals is much more precious than whatever ore they’ll find. The damage they’ll do trenching etc for exploration is incredibly short sighted. As some of the last old growth forest around it is irreplaceable. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow this. It is one of the most beautiful regions of Sudbury, and would be a shame to encroach into the ecosystem. The short term economic gains are not worth losing the long term sustainability of the area.

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In my view this pristine last red pine old growth forest should be preserved for future generations. More money an tax revenues will be generated from eco-tourism the any expected value from a strip mine. This land should added to the surrounding provincial park. Lire davantage

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As our planets health deteriorates due to mining, fracking, dams and real estate development, we need to move in the direction of conservation and protection. Please do not allow mining in the Wolf Lake region.

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I would like to express my disapproval for the proposed development at Wolf Lake. It represents an invaluable ecosystem in the North, and needs to be preserved. The development would mean temporary gain but long term loss. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake is an absolute treasure in Ontario with incredible old growth forest. It would be an absolute shame to have this pristine wilderness area impacted by mining operations. I have canoe tripped in this area and would prefer to see it remain untouched.

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If the past few months have shown us anything, it is that we need to make our planet more hospitable. I don’t know what clearer signs people need to see. It won’t really matter what minerals you manage to remove from the earth if there’s no one alive to use them. Lire davantage