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I believe that Ontario and all its citizens used to care about the environment. I believe that the old Ministry of Natural Resources worked hard to protect, preserve and conserve green spaces in Ontario. And I believe that our province used to value democracy above all.
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I am deeply concerned about the loss of conservation authority powers resulting from this bill. I don’t believe any conservation lands should ever be sold for development, they are needed as habitat and for flood prevention. Therefore no new process for selling off Conservation Lands is needed.
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Please stop this.
Politicians tell us to conserve and preserve, then with the stroke of a pen decide greenbelts are not important enough to protect, but open for development.
Please protect our green space, our farmland, forests and trails.
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I completely oppose Bill 23 permitting building on the the the Green Belt that Ford promised never to approve. Ford needs to be reminded of his agreements and that building is short sighted for the future of the GTA.
The greenbelt should be left alone as was originally intended. Housing can be accomplished without destroying habitats, farmlands and an important source of food.
This policy is criminal (evidence of collusion between the government, land speculators and developers). It is abhorrent to destroy valuable agricultural lands when southern Ontario is NOT food secure and depends on imports.
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This plan is hot garbage. It is decimating the environment to enrich developers.
If I ever wanted for ford or the PC’s, I certainly never will if this plan goes through.
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I am reaching out to you as a concerned citizen of Haldimand County and I urge you to stop Bill 23 today.
It is an attack on democracy — it takes power away from municipalities and communities.
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As a small business owner dependent upon local produce and local grains, it is essential to preserve the Greenbelt for agriculture and climate change
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I oppose the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. We are in a climate crisis and the proposed changes will only further pollute the environment and disturb wildlife in the area.
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I am concerned about not only the negative impacts this amendment will have to the environment, but also that it will (in contrast with how it’s being sold) exacerbate housing issues in Ontario. Property taxes will likely increase the cost of which which will be passed down to tenants by landlords.
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Premier Doug Ford says the removal of 7,400 acres from Toronto's Greenbelt will allow the construction of 50,000 homes - a mere 3% of the provincial goal of 1.5 million. It also opens the door to further erosion of the Greenbelt and similar lands in other parts of the province.
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I am physically sickened by the recent attempts of the Doug Ford Government to take away large portions of the protected Greenbelt for profit for a few wealthy developers and, very likely, himself. The ego and entitlement of Doug Ford and his business friends is astounding.
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As a government you should be looking to add more protective land not take it away.
If your so bend on the housing crisis then you should focus on lands already for development.
The Greenbelt was put in place to protect further
loss of farmland and natural heritage.
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Please leave the Greenbelt the way it is. It provides many essential functions. Floodplains and farm land for instance. New housing is vital for Ontario's future, however, higher density is the way to provide affordable housing for Ontario's growing population.
I disagree with this proposal. I would like to see the government invest more in environmental protection, not less. Continuing to protect and foster areas of land like the greenbelt is very important to me as a voter.
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If this government wants more affordable housing, it should subsidize construction of rent controlled apartments in urban areas. Destroying green belt lands so developers can profit is nothing short of criminal. The single family home, like fossil fuel, belong to the past.
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Doug Ford’s govt promised to avoid this. This is unacceptable and Doug Ford’s cronies will get richer from the further decimation of our protected green space. Protect the environment at all costs!
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I believe that Ontario and…
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Please stop this…
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I completely oppose Bill 23…
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The greenbelt should be left…
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This policy is criminal …
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This plan is hot garbage. It…
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I am reaching out to you as…
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As a small business owner…
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I oppose the proposed…
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