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Absolutely unacceptable and inappropriate for Ontario to pass Bill 23. It’s the most damaging and inadequate way out of a problem that has been created by the lack of planning from current provincial government.
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Dear Doug Ford
I am strongly opposed to building on the Greenbelt.
The Greenbelt was put in place to protect areas such as farming,wetlands and the ecosystem.
There are over 88,000 actress of land in the GTHA
to build on for housing.
Those areas you need to look at to develop.
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Keep the Greenbelt green. Repeal Bill 23. Speculators invest in land in the hope of making a profit. Speculation is a risk. The Greenbelt speculators took a chance, that does not guarantee that they can build Climate Change increasing urban sprawl in the Greenbelt.
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This is clearly an effort to turn essential greenspace into profit making ventures for the business friends of the Conservative government. I am sure they will financially reward members of the government once the greenbelt has been dismantled and turned into urban sprawl.
Farmland feeds us! At a time when we know that the food chain may be disrupted by climate change and other factors - when food gets more expensive everyday, how could anyone think of reducing the lands that feed southern Ontario??!
I plead you to save the green belt.
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I think the Government should reconsider the proposed changes as the current developments that have occurred have not supported the housing crisis and aren’t addressing the underlying problems of supply and cost.
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Hello, Im a mother for two young kids and I absolutely believe we need more housing but it should never be at the cost of food and water. The green belt was made to protect land which will over time protect for future food supply and water sources.
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Affordable housing is the way to a future for many! Don't use poor planning! see below
Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan
Lands Located in the City of Hamilton
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Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan
Lands Located in the City of Hamilton
South of Garner Road West, West of Fiddlers Green Road, East of Shaver Road, in the Vicinity of Book Road West – Map 9 to ER0 FILE 019-6216
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This proposal is poorly thought through, has not been costed, will download costs onto municipalities which will end up punishing existing landowners through higher taxes (paid with AFTER TAX dollars and will not add a single affordable home in Ontario.
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Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan
Lands Located in the City of Hamilton
South of Garner Road West, West of Fiddlers Green Road, East of Shaver Road, in the Vicinity of Book Road West – Map 9 to ER0 FILE 019-6216
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Unacceptable and an insult to the future generations of Ontario families
We know that we’re losing farmland very rapidly in Ontario, about 300 acres a day, and the land inside of the Greenbelt is mostly class one farmland; we can’t afford to lose any more of it! Please stop.
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Do not develop on the green belt. This is a huge backwards step and would be privileging greed over environmental protection and food production. Not to mention raising property taxes when people are already struggling to afford to live.
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I do not agree with this government touching the green belt to build more homes. Mr. Ford you promised in 2018 you would not touch it. You lied! We need to protect the Greenbelt for our health and the health of our environment.
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Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan
Lands Located in the City of Hamilton
South of Garner Road West, West of Fiddlers Green Road, East of Shaver Road, in the Vicinity of Book Road West – Map 9 to ER0 FILE 019-6216
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Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan
Lands Located in the City of Hamilton
South of Garner Road West, West of Fiddlers Green Road, East of Shaver Road, in the Vicinity of Book Road West – Map 9 to ER0 FILE 019-6216
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I DO NOT support this proposal for amendment to the Greenbelt. The Greenbelt exist for one purpose only to protect critical environmental land and natural "infrastructure".
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I do not believe the rezoning of the greenbelt is an advisable choice to combatting the housing crisis. These lands were protected and remain protected to ensure the viability of our ecosystem and ecological defences.
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Hello, I am writing today to…
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Dear Doug Ford I am strongly…
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Keep the Greenbelt green…
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This is clearly an effort to…
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Farmland feeds us! At a…
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Hello, Im a mother for two…
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This proposal is poorly…
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Unacceptable and an insult…
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Do not develop on the green…
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I DO NOT support this…
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