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I am wholeheartedly against boundary expansion and the compromise of the Greenbelt. There are many options for creating more housing where needed, including perhaps most importantly, increasing urban density.
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This proposal is so absurd, so ill-conceived and so disingenuous that I don’t believe that it should be pursued both as a matter of good governance and as a matter of ethics and morality.
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My family and I are against removing existing land from the Greenbelt. Swapping already protected Greenbelt lands for different parcels elsewhere defeats the original purpose of protecting the land - to preserve precious premium farmland and to curb rampant and irresponsible urban sprawl.
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For years, my children and I have enjoyed hikes through some of the protected greenbelt areas. Developing these protected lands can not be undone.
There are other areas that are not part of the Green Belt that should be developed instead of taking away protected wetlands.
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This project has to be stopped for the protection of our Wetlands and Great Lakes. It is unfathomable to think that such a project which is entirely geared toward profit and political gain , could go forward. The future of our climate control depends on squashing projects like this.
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Development on the green belt is a short term solutions where few will benefit where as all will pay for the irreversible damage that was committed to protection. Green belt should not be an option, period.
In these times of climate change and species at risk, Ontario need more green spaces not fewer. The GTA should be building up not out. Keep your election promises, Doug Ford. Your decisions and actions will be remembered at the polls, for better or for worse.
This comment is regarding the Proposed Amendment to the Greenbelt Plan. I would like to begin stating that I fully support this Amendment to the Greenbelt that would remove or re-designate 15 areas of lands in the Paris Galt Moraine area.
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I oppose plan to use land for development from our green space. It has been protected for our safety, ecologically and for the future of generations to come
The green belt must be protected. It is full of ecologically precious farm land and wetlands that no amount of money will ever replace. Ontario has the opportunity to protect agriculture (especially as more farming land globally is rendered useless by climate change and development).
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I unequivocally do not support opening up the Greenbelt for development. This development is entirely unnecessary - there is plenty of land in the GTA not to mention throughout the province more broadly that can be developed or redeveloped while keeping the Greenbelt whole.
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This will not solve Ontario's housing problem and will rob us of natural land. Expanding into the green belt will cost taxpayers as we are asked to support the cost of new roads, new sewers, new services. Do not do this, please.
This is not where we should be focusing. We should be focusing on repairing socialized housing already built, making it easier and worthwhile to create coops, stronger rental control for buildings built after 2018, incentivizing laneway homes and legal suites in already developed land.
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Housing is critical, to have enough safe shelter for all Ontarians, however, this Bill will not achieve that end goal and will instead erode the important role that conservation authorities play in ensuring that wetlands and other riparian zones are protected from infill and development.
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Bill 23 upsets me. It makes me feel hopeless for my future in Ontario, as a resident and as an environmentalist. I currently work in the field of ecological restoration, working extremely hard to restore wetland and aquatic environments in Ontario.
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I would like to state my opposition to the removal of lands from the Greenbelt.
The facts speak for themselves.
1. The reasons for protecting the land in the Greenbelt still apply. If anything, there is a greater need for the Greenbelt now.
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Premier Ford, It is unconscionable that you would go back on your word about preserving the greenbelt. Just a few months ago, Steve Clark publicly stated that the greenbelt would not be developed. In fact you and Mr. Clark have not been truthful to citizens of Ontario.
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This is wrong. Stinks of crookedness. We can’t have a decision made that will damage our environment when all the experts said we can do other things to get housing.
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My family and I are against…
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For years, my children and I…
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This project has to be…
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I oppose plan to use land…
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The green belt must be…
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Housing is critical, to have…
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Bill 23 upsets me. It makes…
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