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Bill 23 is not the solution to fix the housing crisis and will have a huge impact on our precious farmland, wetlands and green spaces. Bill 23 will devastate municipal finances and our ability to fund things such as parks, community centres, transit -- all the amenities a growing community needs.
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It's horrendous. A complete travesty as it puts in danger a particularly important wildlife habitat. It puts species at risk for minimal gain and is a dangerous step.
I do not support the proposed changes to the Greenbelt plan. While it is clear to all of us that there is indeed a housing crisis in Ontario, reducing protected lands should not be our answer.
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I am so horrified by this piece of legislation. As the parent of a young child, I am up at night worrying about the kind of world we are leaving for her. The complete disregard for environmental protections and for the well-being of current and future generations is so baffling to me.
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There’s just no way this is a meaningful solution to the affordable housing crisis. This government has repeatedly promised not to touch the Greenbelt and with such a low voter turnout in the last election there’s no legitimate mandate to do anything, let alone something so deeply unpopular.
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please reconsider destroying any of the wildland that we have left. I understand how tempting short-term money actually is... But once we destroy these irreplaceable lands we can't get them back
please please don't do this
for the grandchildren I beg you please don't
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The Act will open up for development, 7400 Acres of Ontario's Green Belt, some of the best farm land in the country, and some of Ontario's most environmentally sensitive land, and wet-lands, in order to build homes.
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I do not support the proposed changes to the Greenbelt plan. While it is clear to all of us that there is indeed a housing crisis in Ontario, reducing protected lands should not be our answer.
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“I was clear during the campaign. I listened to the people and we are not touching the Greenbelt. We will protect it and all its beauty.” — Doug Ford @fordnation 5:28 p.m. 07 Dec. 18 (deleted tweet)
First off: These proposed amendments go directly against an election promise made by Ford.
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I oppose plans to remove lands from the Greenbelt!!!
• Premier Ford promised his government wouldn’t touch the Greenbelt
• A report prepared by government-hired consultants said Greenbelt land was not needed to build needed housing.
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What an embarrassment when in this underpopulated Country we think the only way to create more homes is to cut the boundaries of the little green belt that we had protected. Is this about building affordable homes for Ontario, I think not.
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I am very concerned about the potential damage that Bill 23 will allow. Destruction of wetlands and environmentally sensitive areas will be a tragedy - especially if only to benefit a few developers.
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Bill 23 is not the solution to fix the housing crisis and will have a huge impact on our precious farmland, wetlands and green spaces. Bill 23 will devastate municipal finances and our ability to fund things such as parks, community centres, transit -- all the amenities a growing community needs.
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I am writing to express my concerns related to Bill23.
1. The lack of complete review of this proposed bill23 by all concerned groups, more time is required for environmental reviews related to the reduction or modifications of the Greenbelt areas surrounding the GTA.
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Please do not touch the Greenbelt. This land is invaluable to many species of birds, fish and mammals. And it helps us too. It provides countless hours of enjoyment in walking trails, and other sites to enjoy.
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Bill 23 is not the solution…
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It's horrendous. A complete…
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I do not support the…
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I am so horrified by this…
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There’s just no way this is…
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Proposed Amendments to the…
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“I was clear during the…
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I oppose plans to remove…
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What an embarrassment when…
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I am very concerned about…
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I am writing to express my…
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Please do not touch the…
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