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The Greenbelt is important because it helps the air quality in the GTA. Development of the Greenbelt doesn't provide the level of housing needed by the lower-income Ontarians.
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I do not agree with the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt. There is a lot of space currently available for development which needs to be done in a more thoughtful manner.
My name is Peter and I am 11 years old. We MUST protect the Greenbelt. I am an avid hiker and I know firsthand how much people need to be in nature. I have also seen so many plant and animals who call the Greenbelt home. We are all part of the ecosystem.
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I do not support any ammendments to the Greenbelt Act. There is no need to develop within the Greenbelt to meet Ontario's housing needs. Municipaltities across Ontario have proved that they have enough land within their bounds to meet future housing needs.
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Don't open up any part of the Greenbelt for development! This is a horrible precedent. We need to save this land for future generations. Focus on developing existing areas in a more intense way.
Please do not pave paradise.
Please consider the future and feeding the people.
There are so many better options for housing.
Profit for a few and housing for the rich at expensive of the people of Ontario.
do not sell out our future!
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The greenbelt is incredibly popular amongst Ontarioans, and improves our quality of life: NO LANDS SHOULD BE REMOVED FOR IT. To be clear, I do not think that lands should be removed even if they are replaced with different lands.
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It is so unfortunate that the our greenbelt is under attack. Premiere Ford assured us that these lands would continue to be protected! Please stop this. We need our greenbelt for the protection of our watershed, wildlife, and so much more. It would be a terrible mistake to build on these lands.
You know the facts. I just wanted to add my voice to the chorus that is saying this has crossed a moral line. We can’t make decisions about our environment based on helping a small group prosper. It is wrong and short sighted.
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To: The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Re. Serious Concerns about Bill 23 in relation to impact on conservation, greenspace & community - responding to call for input on Proposed Changes to the Greenbelt Plan
From: Benchlands Citizen Group, Lincoln, West Niagara, Ontario
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1. The greenbelt was protected for a reason. It’s awful that it could be reduced and it deeply concerns me with respect to the environment and biodiversity.
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Honor what you promised. Do not touch the greenbelt. I am quite sure all your buddies that you tipped off about the money they could make buying the land would be very upset if you canceled- sucks to be you.
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This is a horrible idea. I’m strongly in favour of building affordable, sustainable housing, but this is *not* a plan that would support that end goal. We need to protect our critical environmental resources, and the Greenbelt is one of them.
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The Greenbelt is important…
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I do not agree with the…
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My name is Peter and I am 11…
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I do not support any…
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Don't open up any part of…
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Please do not pave paradise…
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The greenbelt is incredibly…
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This is not what this…
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It is so unfortunate that…
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You know the facts. I just…
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To: The Ministry of…
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We need to protect the…
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Honor what you promised. Do…
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This is a horrible idea. I’m…
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