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I am against the Proposed Changes to the Greenbelt. You cannot sprawl your way to responsible growth. Build up not out. Increase density in existing urban areas and service it with public transportation.
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I am astounded that this would even be a consideration. The Green Belt is a method of protecting our environment so that we can continue to live in this beautiful province. To think that this would be a consideration is appalling.
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Please do not touch the green belt. It was protected for very good reasons.
Climate change and the impact to our environment cannot be understated. We cannot undo this change.
We have many other tools we haven't even considered yet.
Please keep your promise of not touching the greenbelt.
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The present Government was elected based on the promise to keep the Greenbelt intact as it is.
Growing cities boundaries with sprawling mansions to be built in the existing Greenbelt will not solve the housing crisis.
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We do NOT need to expand the sprawl of our cities. The greenbelt and all greenfield should be protected, not only for environmental reasons, but also for simple economics. The cost of expanding out instead of up is multiples more expensive.
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Are only private developer lands being considered or can a private landowner/homeowner also request a portion of their own property be removed?
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We should not be taking away lands from any part of the green belt even if you are adding new lands. The government should be targeting higher density developments and intensify existing areas rather than expanding onto undeveloped lane.
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Lands should not be removed from the Greenbelt for any reason. These areas protect ecological areas, and wildlife. Housing can very easily be built in areas that aren't in the Greenbelt through densification of existing lands.
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Taking land from the Greenbelt to build houses is a bad idea. It will only benefit developers and the housing that is built will not be affordable.
The Greenbelt is meant to be protected in perpetuity. Doug Ford and the Conservative Party promised not to touch it
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I do not agree with this proposal. Why build homes in the Greenbelt instead of creating denser neighbourhoods? We don't need more urban sprawl and car-centric communities.
Bill 23 will not do anything to stop the ongoing housing crisis that cities in Ontario. In fact the bill will only make the crisis worse. For example, by stopping developers from having to pay development charges for affordable housing and inclusionary zoning. (Schedule 3, Section 2).
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This pillaging of the greenbelt is an absolute travesty and goes against everything that this government has promised the people of Ontario through both of their election campaigns. The government should be ashamed of itself. The repercussions will be felt by all our descendants.
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I am against the Proposed…
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No thank you. Trash idea to…
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To the decision makers …
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I am astounded that this…
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I vehemently oppose removing…
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Ontario government should…
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Please do not touch the…
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Absolutely not. Do not…
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The present Government was…
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We do NOT need to expand the…
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Are only private developer…
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We should not be taking away…
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Lands should not be removed…
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Ontario needs to preserve…
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Taking land from the…
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I do not agree with this…
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No lands should be removed…
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Bill 23 will not do anything…
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This pillaging of the…
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