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You're going to make the GTA unlivable. There is plenty of undeveloped space in our cities. The future with climate change and peak oil is compact not a sprawling suburb.
Please do not go through with this.
I would never have voted for the Conservative party if I had known.
Doug Ford said he wouldn’t touch the Green Belt and now he’s going back on his word.
This is a betrayal.
Do not go through with this.
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We’re in a time where there’s development projects happening all over the province as it is. The already planned housing developments have made an big impact on ecosystems, there shouldn’t be more development projects happening that further decreases our natural resources.
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The Greenbelt should be protected in its entirety. In 2018, Doug Ford said that would never touch the Greenbelt. In 2021, Mr. Steve Clark said he would not touch the Greenbelt. The housing crisis is not a housing crisis for real estate, when Ontario is 7 times bigger than New York.
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This is an absolutely devasting, short-sighted, and ill advised plan. Further development in this area will increase the amount of flow that runs into Lake Ontario, and it's going to cause more flooding in the future that will only get worse with climate change.
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We don't need more single family homes that will just increase taxes, traffic, pollution. We need to focus on higher density housing in downtown cores. We don't need to expand it and boundaries either. We need to be making smarter decisions about the land that is already available.
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The Land was designated Greenbelt for a reason. Swapping with other lands does not change anything. We have other solutions for housing. Please don’t touch our Greenbelt.
This is supposed to be protected land. Do not allow this to happen. The government is accountable to hold true to their initial promise of the protected green belt and preserve our land for future generations!
You can’t just add and remove lots from the green belt. If you make this change the green belt will continue to be paved over for generations and slowly migrated more and more northwards.
Please keep the green belt intact as it was intended.
-concerned citizen, Toronto
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This is insanity.
If the goal is to expand housing there are ways to make better use of existing residential zones.
If the goal is to simply keep developers developing then it should be treated as the crime it is.
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I am strongly opposed to these changes. Sustainable development should direct affordable housing projects to developed areas. Building more suburban properties on protected green space is not the solution to affordable housing. There is much space available within existing cities and towns.
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This is an absolute joke. When did Ontario become Ford’s playground to make all his developer friends richer? What happened to democracy? The Greenbelt needs to be protected. There is plenty of non Greenbelt land in Ontario to develop! When will there be a focus on true infrastructure?
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I am very worried about flooding in the GTA and the situation appears to be getting worse and worse. The Greenbelt plays an important role in minimizing the impacts of floods on the surrounding communities, and in this day and age homeowners need as much protection from disasters as possible.
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I'm not inherently opposed to opening up parts of the green belt to development, but this proposal is far too broad. Policies to encourage more and denser housing development in suburbs like Markham, Vaughan, etc, would be more cost effective for the government in the long run.
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You're going to make the GTA…
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We’re in a time where there…
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The Greenbelt should be…
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We don't need more single…
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The Land was designated…
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This is insanity. If the…
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