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There is plenty of land outside of the greenbelt that can be used to build homes that will require less supporting infrastructure (new roads, utilities, etc.) by utilizing already developed land. Lire davantage

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This proposal is shortsighted, will exacerbate flooding issues in the watershed, and should not be in enacted when there are multiple options that allow Ontario to keep its greenbelt intact. Countless buildings, homes, and condo units sit empty in southern Ontario. Lire davantage

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I live in a community that is right next to part of the Greenbelt and the Oak Ridges Moraine, so, I like many other people in this province were utterly dismayed to find out that the provincial government is (again) saying that it wants to allow development within the Greenbelt - the very same gover Lire davantage

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Typical OPC extreme short-sightedness and greed. Ontarians DO NOT want to lose green belt space to more cookie cutter homes and greedy builder corporations who don’t care about anything but money. Create more of these spaces, don’t take them away. Lire davantage

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Do not touch the greenbelt. Properties will be built poorly, and be car dependent for people to get around. Will you be connecting public transit? Building schools? Instead tackle airbnbs and all the vacant homes.

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Absolutely not. These are protected lands that can't be returned to nature once disrupted. The Ford Government is completely out of line proposing housing on the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Ontario's urban center should intensify instead of exploring new greenbelt areas to expand. It will be more economically efficient to provide all municipal services to existing developed areas. Lire davantage

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Cities in Northern Ontario would be ideal for further population growth. It expands their workforce, would attract new investment, and would further develop their industries. By encroaching on the Greenbelt, it would only serve to destroy natural habitats in the pursuit of short-term profits. Lire davantage

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In all due respect, do we really think this is a good idea? Do you know how much we’ve ruined our environment? And now we want to destroy some of the most environmentally valuable and diverse areas in southern Ontario? Lire davantage

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I am appalled at the idea of paving over the Greenbelt. We have derelict properties in cities all over this province, and would be far better served rejuvenating the cities we have, instead of allowing sprawl to continue. This is something that can't be undone once it is developed. Lire davantage

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The point of the greenbelt is that it’s the best arable land we have in Ontario. As we grow in population and climate change makes food harder to produce, we need this land more and more. Adding some other area wont balance the losses here. Lire davantage

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I do not agree with deciding to remove certain areas within the greenbelt itself and no longer calling them greenbelt areas and deciding to designate other newer areas as greenbelt areas for the purpose of building housing in Ontario. Lire davantage

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As a resident of Durham Region, I am concerned with the extensive amount of land that is being proposed for development here. In particular is the area in Pickering that is right at the headwaters of Duffins Creek. Lire davantage

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Do not sacrifice our remaining green space, our sensitive environmental zones, to the dollar signs of developers. This is Ontario. We have LOADS of undeveloped land that is not designated environmentally sensitive. Stop lying about intentions. Lire davantage

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As a resident of Ontario, I am completely opposed to further development in the Greenbelt. The Greenbelt provides essential environmental services and will become more important to mitigate negative effects from climate change. Lire davantage