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The greenbelt was created by law as an urban growth boundary and to protect natural resources for the health and well-being of Ontario's people. Simply under principal, the greenbelt should not be touched in anyway on the basis that law and policy I believe, have formally protected that land. Lire davantage

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If the Greenbelt is developed it opens a box that has the potential to ruin our environment even further. It’s something that cannot be undone in the future and therefore should not be hastily done now.

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I find this move appalling. We should be protecting the Green Belt at all costs, and the unchecked policies that led to urban sprawl will not lead to affordable housing - it will lead to the destruction of what decent farmland and flood mitigation we have in place so that a select few will cash in. Lire davantage

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With the green belt and Oak Ridges Moraine being an ecologically sensitive area with thousands of flora and fauna species, housing will destroy this land that these species call home. Lire davantage

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This government's housing plan is reckless and irresponsible. The kind of urban sprawl that this proposal would lead to is not what Ontario needs to address the present housing crisis. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is protected and supposed to be safe from any and all changes to it. The PC government needs to respect and honour that. Leave it alone! There are many, many reasons it was deemed protected and those reasons still exist and are even more important now than before. Lire davantage

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We cannot use our greenbelts to build housing. Period. WE build up, we build better transportation links. We find other ways. As a Canadian who returned after living abroad for 30 years, we're the only place left in the world...where there's land left. Lire davantage

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The city of Hamilton voted to keep the urban boundary the same and to build within those limits. The provincial government is going against the preferences of citizens in the proposal. Lire davantage

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I am shocked and appalled at this plan given the government’s previous commitment not to touch the greenbelt. As a young Ontarian, I realize that housing is needed by many of my peers but what’s needed is not sprawl and single family homes but transit adjacent dense housing.

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The greenbelt is precious and cannot be replaced once it's been overtaken. There are other options for your development. You promised to not touch it so keep your promise to Ontario. We need our greenbelt to stay intact.

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I am extremely concerned about the proposed changes to the green belt protections. In an era of climate change and food insecurity, I think it is incredibly irresponsible of our provincial government to be promoting urban sprawl and congestion. Lire davantage

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This government is trampling the rights and needs of the people in favour of lining its pockets with developer money. The greenbelt not only ensures the current generation has access to land and fresh water but also future generations who will feel the effects of climate change more acutely.

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You ran on the false promise to not touch the green belt. The Doug Ford is caught on recording telling developers he's going to open up protected lands. Stop the greed and protect the environment you short sighted twit. Lire davantage