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How do we allow someone who says the Greenbelt will not be touched to then go behind the public in secrecy and tell developers he will open it up for him. We have a plethora of options to fix this housing crisis and it most certainly doesn't require tearing up the green belt. Lire davantage

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This is payback to fords developer donor taskmasters. Vile on every level. Myopic in its approach to housing. Shameful to even his own voters. No one thinks this is a good idea but fords wet-chinned corporate overlords. Lire davantage

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The richness of southern Ontario is its ability to provide for our population: food, air and water. The Greenbelt provides these by protecting land for agriculture, natural growth and marshlands which filter water for us all. Lire davantage

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The short-sightedness of parceling out the green belt farmlands and wetlands is bad enough. There us no coherent principle or plan behind it. However the blatant rewards for land speculators are what really seems corrupt, given the generous political donations they’ve made that are publicly known. Lire davantage

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The fact this is being considered is truly shameful. Considering how much damage has already been done to the environment, it should be obvious that what we have left is very important. This is ignoring the fact that it was PROMISED that this land would remain untouched. Lire davantage

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Leave the greenbelt spaces alone. The zones should not be moved, only expanded. Have a modicum of care for the fact that we are not the last generation, and we can never get green spaces back.

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This proposal is a complete farce at best and actively dangerous at worst. The Greenbelt is irreplaceable - opening it up for development would cause irreparable harm to Ontario's development goals, natural environment, watershed, and quality of life. Lire davantage

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I am concerned about restructuring the Green Belt, even if more land is proposed to be added to it later. I would much rather that the proposed additions to the Green Belt go through without any subtraction. Then find a different way to build more homes without affecting the Green Belt. Lire davantage

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In no uncertain terms: DO NOT PAVE THE GREENBELT. The Ford government previously promised not to touch the Greenbelt, and was clearly given a mandate partially based on that promise. Lire davantage

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No evidence has been provided by the Ontario government that expanding into the Greenbelt is necessarily to solve the housing crisis. The February 2022 report published by the govenrment of Ontario's own Housing Affordability Task Force shows that lack of land is not the problem. Lire davantage

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I fail to see how building another car-dependent, cookie-cutter subdivision will solve any problems apart from enriching developers and socializing the cost of making them somewhat liveable Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt should remain protected land. There are other healthier, environmentally friendly options for housing that do not require new land. This is a short sighted solution and needs to be stopped. New sprawl is unhealthy for all communities. Environment needs to be a priority. Lire davantage

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Do not touch the greenbelt!!! It is home to countless animals, farms that provide food for our citizens and watersheds that clean our waterways and absorb carbon. Your short sightiness will literally create immense hardships for us Lire davantage

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It is appalling that Premier Ford snuck in legislation to develop the Greenbelt last Friday during the CUPE strike announcement. Doug Ford has again lied to the people of Ontario, as he stated in 2018 that a Tory government would maintain the Greenbelt in its entirety. Lire davantage