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I'm deeply troubled by the proposal to pave over protected greenbelt land, ostensibly to build houses. It's a decision that makes very little sense and makes me embarrassed for our leadership. Why not expand development in areas that alread have supported infrastructure like the GTA? Lire davantage

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Ford’s plan is a joke and the transparency into how this will benefit his supporters along with the fact that there are no checks and balances in place anymore seem like a good direction for this province. (Insert sarcasm emoji here, in case you didn’t pick up on it)

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Completely unacceptable. The world is drowning due to climate change and the conservatives are plotting this. Ford governments have historically broken promises and will continue to do this. This plan to mess around with the green belt is just ridiculous. Lire davantage

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This is unequivocally a bad idea. We have a shortage of housing, not shortage of homes or already developed land than could be densified. Developers needing more space to build extravagantly large homes for the upper class is ridiculous. Lire davantage

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Building in the greenbelt is a terrible idea considering the environmental risks at stake and low return on investment to the population. Car pollution, urban sprawl and poorly planned sub urban development are significant contributors to a growing environmental crisis. Lire davantage

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You cannot replace greenbelt land, these are lands developed over 12 000 years. You must not touch these lands. It goes against your responsibility to Canada and its promise to protect the aboriginal rights of first nations peoples, which includes access to their own lands. Lire davantage

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I absolutely do not support this proposed removal of Greenbelt land for development. We have an urgent need for housing, but more urban sprawl is not the answer and this land is vital for the ecological health of the region, it cannot simply be replaced with land reserved elsewhere. Lire davantage

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Please listen to the people of Ontario and don’t develop the Greenbelt. I urge you to find better solutions and focus on housing that is actually accessible. This will create more gridlock on the series 400 hwys. We don’t need more sprawl, we need to use the land we already have. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to this proposal to build on protected lands. Although the housing crisis is an important concern, this proposal is clearly not motivated by a genuine intent to address it. Lire davantage

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Hello, As someone who has lived in different areas of Ontario for my whole life, and who doesn't want to move, the thought of cutting down on the parts of my province that I love most hurts. Lire davantage

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Please do not build houses or a highway on the greenbelt. Now more than ever we need to preserve green spaces and agricultural lands. Increase the density of existing suburbs and cities. Require a certain number of apartment buildings or townhouse complexes be built in any new developments.

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This is not in the best interests of Ontario residents. This is in the interests of developers only - we do not need further urban sprawl, which is why the areas currently protected are so critical to keep. Lire davantage