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BlueTriton must not be permitted to pump clean Canadian water from our lands and bottle it for profit. This is a very valuable natural resource for Canada.
A company should not be allowed to steal from the water resources belonging to Canadians, and
then sell it at a profit. Why does the government allow this? Don't you care about Canadian
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I haven't and will not buy bottled water!!! Personal thought! Make bottled water illegal!!!
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Please protect our most valuable resource. Our water. Do not allow triton to take our water and sell it for profit, while creating a ton of plastic pollution.
We must keep our land and our water whole
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I am writing to strongly oppose Triton Water Holdings Canada Inc. application for a 10 year extension to the permit which Nestle was unfortunately given to extract water from the aquifers in Ontario.
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This permit should be and must be denied-draining the aquifer and creating plastic pollution is what these bottled water companies are about,they have no regard for the environment.
Do not allow this mega corporation to steal this water! Water is a human right and should not be exploited for profit, especially when it treads on the rights of First Nations people
Why is Canada giving our water away, especially insulting on indigenous lands. Many of them don't even have clean water to drink. Our resources are being raped by American companies to be sold back to us?!!!
Stop, be a proud Canadian and stop this.
Time for Canada to make a stand
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More foreign exploitation of our natural resources with no benefit to Canadians. The old Canadian profile of "hewers of wood and drawers of water" has to end.
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I am beyond disheartened to think in these days the government would even consider giving a permit to any company to bottle (for profit) water that belongs to the Canadian people, given that there are indigenous communities still lacking potable water and given the enormously negative impact of plas
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Please do not allow Blue Triton to take and profit from our good, clear Canadian water, especially when so many indigenous people and communities are still, after a very long time, without access to clean drinking water.
Water is a basic human right, and corporations should not be allowed to profit from it, especially when we have so many indigenous people without access to clean drinking water.
Water is a finite resource and shoukd nit be given away to a corpiration that will take ut from
those who need it most.
Ontario coukd become a world leader in protecting the universal right to ckean water. That is a much more worthy goal
than naking money from sonething so essential.
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We need to let companies know that our water, a very precious resource, is NOT for sale.
Nestle has made massive profits (and polluted our earth with plastic bottles) from our water.
Our indigenous peoples have suffered enough due to greedy profiteers.
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Can not accept sale of a natural resource like water especially on indigenous territory when clean water is not accomplished on some reserves .The sale of water for use in plastic bottles should be outlawed period its environmentally unsound. Any participation is immoral.
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Do not give away our most…
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Triton Water Canada Holdings, Inc. - Permit to take water
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BlueTriton must not be…
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A company should not be…
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Don't privatize our water…
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Bottled water is TOTALLY…
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Please protect our most…
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I am writing to strongly…
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I don’t feel that this is…
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Water should be kept in the…
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This permit should be and…
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Why is Canada giving our…
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I am beyond disheartened to…
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Please do not allow Blue…
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Water is a basic human right…
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Water is a finite resource…
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