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Please stop selling our precious water. Leave it in the ground as nature intended. We don’t want the ground sinking like in California or to deal with more droughts. It’s not worth it. Lire davantage

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We are anticipating imminent shortages of natural-sourced water everywhere. Please don't allow one company to hoard, then sell for profit a precious commodity that should belong to all the people of Ontario.

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How the HELL do you acknowledge the indigenous nations: their RIGHTS to THEIR lands, then sell off the water on those lands to irresponsible profiteers? You leave their children without potable water because you want to curry corporate favour? Lire davantage

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Triton should be buying water like the rest of us and at the same rates. They should not be draining the water sources of Indigenous people while they have suffered with unsafe water for a long time. Lire davantage

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Water bottling companies like Nestle and its subsidiaries need to be stopped. Why is the Federal government not getting involved with this. Nestles takes water from BC as well. And California, a state that is in dire draught for years now. Lire davantage

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I oppose this permit application. Parts of Ontario are in a drought, and it's only going to get worse. We'll get pressure for other local jurisdictions for our water, and losing it will impact our way of life and our prosperity. Lire davantage

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Nestle's is one of the most disgusting corporations in the world. They killed thousands of babies in Africa by pushing their baby formula on mothers without the necessary resources to use it correctly. They've been profiting off of stolen water for years. Lire davantage

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The Ontario Government now has the opportunity to prove once and for all that ii NO LONGER acts corruptly in the issuance of ludicrously cheap water permits. It can do this by promptly and permanently discontinuing all water-taking permits to Triton ! Lire davantage

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How dare we as a province have to speak out against this. Have we not stolen and done enough to our first Nations people of Canada. You want to sell off rights to water on protected lands. Lire davantage

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stealing is the right word . Nestlé has to be stopped . The groundwater is a system not limited in area and important to so many people as well as natural consequences . This water is for people not for greedy companies. Lire davantage

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When indigenous communities have to boil there water how dare this province sell off their fresh water to an AMERICAN COMPANY. We have no rights to the natural resources on protected lands. We do not need to sell off water the environment doesn't need more plastic. This is ridiculous.