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The government has heard from the public for years saying that removal of groundwater is not wanted, not sustainable and has deleterious effects on natural balances (reducing water tables with negative effects on swamps and creek/river waterflows). Lire davantage

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This is an industry that is an environmental disaster as it takes 2 litres of water to create the plastic bottle that another litre of water goes into. The 24/7 heavy trucks on the roads shipping water across the country emit and damage roads and bridges. Lire davantage

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Puslinch has too many competing interests seeking groundwater from farms, residents, gravel pits, and businesses. In addition both Guelph and Cambridge are approaching with their Source Water Protection Areas. Lire davantage

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Puslinch Township does not have proper water infrastructure so that wells are private and rely on groundwater. Groundwater is precious and no one seems to know how much there is, how long it will last, and what the effects of climate change will be. We just do not know. Lire davantage

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The application to take water for the purposes of bottling and selling should be denied. This resource is more valuable to the citizens of this province than to the bottom line of any multi-national corporation whose interest is in their profits and shareholders. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose the granting of a permit to Triton Water Canada Holdings! The people of Wellington and the Six Nations have previously stated their objections and a susequently a moratorium was passed. Now that moratorium has ended. Lire davantage

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Given what is happening with threats to drinking water in Collingwood, Erin, Puslinch and Centre Wellington, giving a ten year term permit to take water to have it removed from the watershed is shortsighted, irresponsible and foolish. Lire davantage

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The data are clear. Based on 20+ years of intensive monitoring, the water takings from the Aberfoyle well are sustainable and do not have detrimental effects on the environment. I support the continued operations, which offer employment to almost 200 employees.

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Hello my name is Kevin Hayden We have done business with nestle waters (now blue triton) at 101 BROCK ROAD SOUTH, PUSLINCH , ONTARIO N0B 2J0 for about 30 years I support and welcome blue tritton and wish them the best Lire davantage

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Bottling of water is a key life necessity...some residents well water is not suitable for consumption without expense equipment....bottled water helps to supplement these circumstances....these permits allow for responsible and transparent water taking and also supports those employed by the company Lire davantage

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Blue Triton has been an active supporter of local community programs and events, as well as the Optimist Club of Puslinch. We are grateful for all the support that they have shown our community and the Optimist Club of Puslinch. Scott Young President Optimist Club of Puslinch Lire davantage

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The Government of Ontario’s third-party science and policy review in 2020 confirmed the sustainability of water bottling operations in the province and found that there is no scientific justification for regulating water bottlers any differently than other water users.