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Isn’t it a bit rich to provide Nestle with a permit to take water??? Shouldn’t the priority be to ensure that all Indigenous people have access to clean drinking water before allowing the corporate giant to suck the land dry?? Lire davantage

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Earth’s water is not free… Especially now, with Global Warming upon us, it is our most precious resource and must be protected at all cost. PERMISSION TO TAKE WATER AWAY (especially by for-profit bottling companies) IS NO LONGER ALLOWED… Lire davantage

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This is so outrageous that I would threaten to withhold my vote for the Tory candidate in my riding if I didn't already have two dozen reasons to do so. Water is life . To profit from it is immoral . To take it from indigenous lands is beyond any words to describe the evil. Lire davantage

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This is an outrage. Plastic bottes with plastic to pack 6,12 and 24 packs of these in a province that has spectacular quality water out of the tap. Bottled water should only be available for emergency situations (eg. in Yémen currently). Outlaw bottled water other than for emergency use. Lire davantage

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Please do not grant the water permit to Nestle through Triton Water Canada. We all are mainly water and we all need it. It should never be bought or sold, much less given away to a corporation for its own profit. Indigenous lands belong to the people who live there. Lire davantage

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Enough is enough. Taking water from the First Nations People? They are already treated badly enough. Then those stupid all polluting plastic bottles that are everywhere. How much can one company mess up our planet in so many different ways?

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With global warming increasing, many rural areas are experiencing more drought conditions than ever. I am totally against companies pumping potable water from aquifers for profit. That water must be for local residents not glutinous corporate entities.

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Deny the permit to Blue Triton water bottling company and protect Ontario's watershed. Water is a basic human right and should not be sold for such a high profit in plastic bottles. I filter my tap water and use a reusable bottle. We do not need bottled water!

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I strongly oppose the granting of a ten year permit to Blue Triton to take water from Lake Ontario. Our focus should be on providing clean water to our indigenous communities not on a financial venture that markets the very water that should be available to them as a basic right. Lire davantage

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Please, please, please do NOT give any water extraction company a permit to our precious limited natural fresh water supply!!!!! Companies should not be removing our water supply and tampering with it's sources. Lire davantage