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I am hopeful that Blue Triton’s application to take over the horrendous threat Nestlé posed by requesting to be allowed to bottle Ontario water for profit will be dismissed without consideration. Especially in this time of climate change such projects should be unthinkable. Lire davantage

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''First Nations communities across Canada have not had access to safe drinking water for at least a year, BlueTriton is pumping clean water from Indigenous lands and bottling it for profit.'' STOP this crime from happening ...the entire World is in trouble because of greed and graft make a stand fo Lire davantage

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As a society we need to stop increasing the plastic in the environment! Most water bottles do NOT get recycled! Clean drinking water is a human right and should be freely available to the public, with no need for people to buy bottled water. Please deny this permit request! Lire davantage

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The big bottled water companies are stealing far too much water in populated communities. Even in the country side, they have caused people to have to drill their wells deeper, at their own expense. When there was a public meeting about it, the "Roberts Rules" bureaucrats shut Lire davantage

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As a Canadian and an Ontario resident I demand that BlueTriton NOT BE GIVEN A PERMIT TO DRAIN OUR WATER. It is abhorrent that clean and save drinking water is already being stolen from Indigenous lands while they go without. Lire davantage

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Fresh potable water is like liquid gold. We must not give it away for pennies to corporations who are making huge profits while our own citizens, especially many indigenous ones, are sadly lacking clean drinking water. We must make a stand now before it is too late. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely DISGUSTING! Haven't we been raped and plundered ENOUGH! Stealing our lives wasn't ENOUGH? Our livelihood? Our dignity!!! Now sell out our water? I would like to know who gave FORD the right? Not I!!!!!WTF!!! Lire davantage

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As a citizen pf Ontario I firmly demand that the Environmental Registry of Ontario deny the application permit of Blue Triton to take water. Blue Triton is a corporate entity not of Canada. The rights of Indigenous communities come first. It is their land first. Lire davantage

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I boycott Nestle as much as I can and will continue to do so. I cannot get my head around how insensitive, uncaring this company is. In my opinion it is and always will be GREED. Somehow this theft of livelihood must be stopped. Lire davantage

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At a time when we are trying to reduce the use of single-use plastic, Triton is hoping the Government will allow them to create more plastic waste by and large for the sheer convenience of people too lazy to bring water with them in their reusable bottles, or wait until they get home to have a drink Lire davantage

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No water for BlueTriton. Water for indigenous communities only. Stop allowing the extraction of Ontario’s resources for corporate benefit. No more companies selling us back our resources for massive profit. Stop selling off Ontario’s resources without public consultation. Lire davantage

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Hasn’t there been engulfed damage to the the original owners of this land and have respect for it. It is more than can be said of Nee’s. My contribution is to stop buy all Nestle products., ignoring treaties and taking advantage. Stealing their land. Lire davantage