October 4, 2018 - November 18, 2018 (45 days) Closed
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The proposal was for a new Environmental Compliance Approval for industrial stormwater management works serving 2605369 Ontario Inc., located at 621 Stewart Boulevard, in the Town of Brockville.
July 24, 2018 - September 7, 2018 (45 days) Closed
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A new Environmental Compliance Approval (Waste Disposal, transfer and processing Site) was granted to 2626371 Ontario Inc., operating as Silverstar Roofing Supplies for the use and operation of waste disposal site at 160 Silverstar Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario with a total area of 0.25 hectares.
July 25, 2018 - September 8, 2018 (45 days) Closed
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A new Environmental Compliance Approval (Air) has been issued to 2313684 Ontario Limited., a facility specializing in electrostatic powder coating of commercial racking and shelving products for use as storefront displays located in the City of Vaughan, Regional Municipality of York.
February 22, 2019 - April 8, 2019 (45 days) Closed
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We have approved a new Environmental Compliance Approval (Waste Disposal Site) for the use and operation of a private waste transfer and waste processing facility.
January 24, 2019 - March 10, 2019 (41 days) Closed
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We have approved the amendment to Environmental Compliance Approval (Waste Disposal Site) No. A480104, issued for the use and operation of the landfill site.
September 26, 2018 - November 10, 2018 (45 days) Closed
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The Environmental Compliance Approval (Waste Disposal Site - transfer/processing site) No. A121029 issued to Future Waste Recycling Facilities Inc has been amended
We reviewed the Endangered Species Act, 2007 to improve protections for species at risk, consider modern and innovative approaches to achieve positive outcomes for species at risk, streamline approvals and provide clarity to support economic development. As a result of the review, we are proceeding with proposing amendments to the act.
December 6, 2018 - January 20, 2019 (45 days) Closed
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We are making changes to address duplication and overlap with the federal government’s requirements for toxic substances to reduce burden for facilities. Facilities with existing toxics reduction plans will no longer be required to review those plans. In addition, all facilities in Ontario will no longer have new planning or reporting required.
December 6, 2018 - January 20, 2019 (45 days) Closed
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We will repeal the Toxics Reduction Act, 2009 and its associated regulations on December 31, 2021. This will remove unnecessary duplication with the federal program and reduce burden for industry.
January 9, 2019 - February 8, 2019 (30 days) Closed
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Permit Issued.
The exploration permit was issued. Terms and Conditions were added to address concerns raised during the Ministry's Exploration Permit Review process. The exploration permit is valid for 3 years from the date of issue.
February 22, 2019 - April 8, 2019 (42 days) Closed
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We have approved the amendment for Environmental Compliance Approval No. 5738-8DVQ79 for Algoma Orchards Ltd. for the replacement of the two small existing leaching beds serving the Algoma Orchards.
We amended the regulations under the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993 (EBR) to make sure they align with the government’s structure, and to update references to amended or repealed legislation
We have approved the amendments to the assessment reports and source protection plan for the CTC Source Protection Region. The amendments update the protection areas around two municipal residential drinking water systems in the Town of Caledon and make changes to policies so that they are easier to understand and implement.
We have approved the amendments to the assessment report and source protection plan for the Long Point Source Protection Area. The amendments update the protection areas around three local drinking water systems, help reduce nitrates around a fourth system, and include policies to protect water quantity.
We have approved the amendments to the assessment report for the Rideau Valley Source Protection Area and source protection plan for the Mississippi Valley and Rideau Valley source protection areas. The amendments add a new protection area and make changes to two existing protection areas in the City of Ottawa.
Recovery strategies for eight species at risk have been drafted, and we are requesting additional scientific information, including traditional ecological knowledge, to be considered in finalizing these recovery strategies.
November 8, 2018 - December 23, 2018 (45 days) Closed
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We finalized species-specific policies (government response statements) outlining the actions we intend to lead and support to protect and recover six species at risk in Ontario: four salamander species (Jefferson, Small-mouthed and two dependent Unisexual Ambystoma species), Nine-spotted Lady Beetle and River Darter.