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As a citizen of Ontario, I believe that water resources should be managed by the province. I am opposed to granting extraction rights to BlueTriton and the privatization of our fresh water resources. Lire davantage

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BlueTriton'sattempted water grab must stop. The Environmental Registry of Ontario must deny BlueTriton's permit now. Ontario water is for Ontarians, not multinationals to profit from. Lire davantage

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My comment is, STOP SELLING OUR PRECIOUS GROUND WATER. The fact that so many private companies are intent on buying it should tell us all that it’s in our best interest as people who live in Ontario to keep it for ourselves! Lire davantage

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Our water should not be for sale, period. It is for the Canadians who live near this aquifer, INCLUDING First Nations people. With the effects of climate change, everyone's water security is at risk, including Canadians'. DON'T PUT IT UP FOR SALE! Lire davantage

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I have blindly relied on plastic bottled water over the years. It was my own ignorance and laziness that propelled this long lasting habit. Realizing now how unnecessary and damaging this can be for naturalwater sources I strongly advise a morE responsible approach to satisfying our water needs. Lire davantage

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The Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council issued a cease-and-desist order two years ago to stop Nestlé from taking the water. By requesting the permit and making plans to continue the water grab, BlueTriton is ignoring Indigenous sovereignty. Just like Nestlé did. Water should not be a commodity. Lire davantage

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Nestlé is a multi-national billion dollar company that should pay Canadians, especially the indigenous peoples a high price if it wants our water and only if there is no environmental impact and the people wish to sell our water. Lire davantage

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BlueTriton is ignoring Indigenous sovereignty. Just like Nestlé did. So while dozens of First Nations communities across Canada have not had access to safe drinking water for at least a year, BlueTriton is pumping clean water from Indigenous lands and bottling it for profit. Lire davantage

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The people of Ontario, the Environment Ministry, The Minister of the Environment, and the political parties of Ontario have no idea of how much clean drinking water is in the province, and as yet commenced a thorough clean-up of contaminated water throughout the province. Lire davantage

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Ontario government needs to do the right thing and deny BlueTriton their 10-year renewal of Nestlé’s permit to take water out of Ontario for bottling. It makes no sense we would have finally stopped Nestle to just have another water thief move in. Lire davantage

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The Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council issued a cease-and-desist order two years ago to stop Nestlé from taking the water. By requesting the permit and making plans to continue the water grab, BlueTriton is ignoring Indigenous sovereignty. Just like Nestlé did. Lire davantage