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PLEASE, water is life and precious and should not be sold to companies for profit. When that water is taken from vulnerable communities, then the profit motive becomes doubly unacceptable. Please do not grant Blue Triton a permit to take water from Ontario! Please. Lire davantage

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That anyone would consider allowing our natural resources to continue to be pillaged by corporate interests, instead of developing the infrastructure to provide clean drinking water to dozens of communities who call this province their home is a travesty. Lire davantage

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I demand that BlueTritan’s Water permit be denied. I am tired of corporations stealing, raping and pillaging our water and our land. Let’s not forget the atrocities that have come to light both from the past and those that are still continuing today to our Native communities! Lire davantage

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Extracting ground water to be exported elsewhere for profit is unethical. Access to clean water is a human right. Selling that access for profit is immoral. I would support donating water to people in need, but not for corporations to gain profit. Stop any application to extract water for export. Lire davantage

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I ask the Ontario government to deny a permit to Blue Trition to take water. Water should not be commodified. Water is life. No one should be seeking to make a profit on it. Governments should protect water. Thank you. Lire davantage

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The Environmental Registry of Ontario should deny Blue Triton's permit. Water is a human right, and it should not be drained from our communities for the private profits of greedy corporations. We will need the water that Blue Triton is trying to grab.

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Nestle has a bad history of draining communicates of valuable water supplies leaving them without a sufficient supply of drinking water, water to irrigate agriculture or fight fires. Lire davantage

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This appears to be an unreasonable and unfair proposal. I am an Ontario taxpayer and voter and would implore our leaders to deny this abuse of our natural resources and First Nations people. Lire davantage

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Triton is betting that the increasing scarcity of clean water will make its investors rich. It’s clear that the corporation values profits over people. And that is why this venture must be stopped.

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I am appalled that the Ontario government is allowing Nestle and now BlueTriton to pump water in spite of a cease-and-desist-order from the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council issued years ago. Lire davantage

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Please do not grant a 10 yr permit to Blue Triton to take water out of Ontario for bottling. We have fought Nestlé water grabs for years, and now it's successor is asking for even more. Lire davantage

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I do not understand why bottled water is still a thing. I understand that it was important when the Walkerton fiasco of "self-monitoring" caused a tragedy that still has repercussions to this day, but I do not understand why this is still an industry. Lire davantage