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Why are we even still talking about this? Stop giving away our water and stop ignoring Indigenous sovereignty! Please respect mother earth and all her bounty so our grandchildren and great grandchildren have it to enjoy!

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I urge the Environmental Registry of Ontario to deny Blue Triton's permit. Bottled water is huge source of plastic pollution. It in no way superior to tap water. The Ontario government should be focussed on providing safe access to water for First Nations communities. Water is a human right.

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I find this very disturbing..we steal indiginous land and now we sell their water when there are some who have no drinking water...shame on those who allow this to happen..words are cheap..we need action! Lire davantage

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The simple and most rational answer is NOT to allow it. Water is priceless to the environment and it should never be bottled and sold. To do so is a 1980's mentality that has no place in today's era of Climate Crisis. The aquifers need to remain out of the hands of corporations. Lire davantage

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I request that the Environmental registry of Canada deny this permit. We requested previously that nestle be denied and now that they have been taken over the same request is being made. Please keep our waters clean and do not sell our resources to corporations who will make money off of them. Lire davantage

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Blue Triton must be stopped from taking water and bottling it for profit. The plastic crisis is out of control, and Blue Triton will add to the global pollution caused by plastic with their water bottles. Lire davantage

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While dozens of First Nations communities across Canada have not had access to safe drinking water for at least a year, BlueTriton is pumping clean water from Indigenous lands and bottling it for profit. I call on the Ontario Government Environmental Registry to deny Blue Triton's permit. Lire davantage

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We need to stop allowing corporations to take water from our communities, especially vulnerable communities with vulnerable water sources, to sell for profit. People need to come before profit. Clean drinking water needs to be a fundamental human right.

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Access to water is a human right. It is not a commodity to be used to enrich huge companies or the government , particularly when those being deprived of the water do not benefit in any way. ALL sources of water in Ontario are to be protected for use by residents of Ontario.

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To: Environmental Registry of Ontario Please doo not grant any more permits for giant multinationals to bottle and sell Ontario water. Smaller towns, villages and farms depend on keeping the groundwater levels stable. Especially in a time of climate change. Lire davantage

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I am so sorry to hear this. Very unfair and is this necessary for them to do this to yourself and families. I will most definitely give my concerns about this. I hope there can be a resolution to not disrupting your land.