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I have already voiced my opposition to EBR number 012-8124. My comments essentially all apply to this file. Briefly, a cement plant is not allowed in the UCPR official plan and municipal zoning. The area is a built up highly desirable residential area on the Ottawa river.

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I say no to the Cement Plant in the Champlain Township. Building the cement plant will be the worst thing to do for the L'Orignal, Hawkesbury and Alfred communities and for people health. I do not support the cement plant project. Thank you.

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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colcem's statements, used water discharged by the Cement plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amounts of cadmium and other heavy metals.

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Has for the Colacem Cement Plant. I have reason to fear that such an heavy industrie’s waist will overflow in the Charlebois creek and others making it’s way to the Ottawa river which has become an Heritage and Protected River. We have a duty to ensure the quality of this river.

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With all the studies demonstrating the dangerous effects and contamination from cement plants. Mercury, Heavy Metals, Particulate matters... all are risks to our health and the quality of our waters. Our Heritage river (Ottawa River) will be contaminated by the waist from Colacem.

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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colcem's statements, used water discharged by the Cement plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amounts of cadmium and other heavy metals.

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As a resident of L'Orignal I do not want a cement plant built on lot 217, Concession parcel M10 in the Township of Champlain. This cement plant will adversely affect my health and the health of my family, friends and neighbours.

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Hello I wish for my kids, family and friends that this project of the Colacem ciment plant never never commes to life in my beautifull and piecefull village of L'Orignal. Our quality of life and most of all our health depends on the absence of such a devastating project.

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We believe that contrary to the statement made by Colacem who are trying to re-zone our beautiful agricultural land to enable them to put up a cement plant which would be extremely damaging to the air we breath and the contaminants to the soil and the waste water discharged from the plant into th

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We believe that contrary to the statement made by Colacem who are trying to re-zone our beautiful agricultural land to enable them to put up a cement plant which would be extremely damaging to the air we breath and the contaminants to the soil and the waste water discharged from the plant into th

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We believe that contrary to the statement made by Colacem who are trying to re-zone our beautiful agricultural land to enable them to put up a cement plant which would be extremely damaging to the air we breath and the contaminants to the soil and the waste water discharged from the plant into th

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Having read the documentation, we have reason to believe that, contrary toColacem statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of heavy metals.

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 The proposed SWM pond is intended to capture runoff from the entire site. lt will most likely capture dust, particulate matter outputs from both the activities on the Site (a cernent plant operation) and adjacent quarry (with emissions to nearly double of what they are now).

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The proposed SWM pond is intended to capture runoff from the entire site. lt will most likely capture dust, particulate matter outputs from both the activities on the Site (a cernent plant operation) and adjacent quarry (with emissions to nearly double of what they are now).

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I am writing about the Ciment plant project in the Champlain county.We live on the Ottawa river, our drinking water come from the Ottawa river. There is danger of contamination in the river because of the ciment plant. You can't approve a project so polluting.

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The proposed SWM pond is intended to capture runoff from the entire site. lt will most likely capture dust, particulate matter outputs from both the activities on the Site (a cement plant operation) and adjacent quarry (with emissions to nearly double of what they are now).

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The proposed SWM pond is intended to capture runoff from the entire site. lt will most likely capture dust, particulate matter outputs from both the activities on the Site (a cernent plant operation) and adjacent quarry (with emissions to nearly double of what they are now).

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The proposed SWM pond is intended to capture runoff from the entire site. lt will most likely capture dust, particulate matter outputs from both the activities on the Site (a cernent plant operation) and adjacent quarry (with emissions to nearly double of what they are now).

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