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To whom it may concern, I and my family are adamantly opposed to this project seeing the light of day. The are a multitude of reasons for this and the main one being the impact on our health and well being.

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We, the reidents on Bay Road in L'Orignal, all have surface wells along the Bay on the Ottawa River and any contaminants in the river filter into our drinking water. The Colacem proposed cement plant only 2 km away from the river will dump heavy metals into the bay.

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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colacem statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of heavy metals. This could seriously pollute the Ottawa and St.

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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colacem statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of heavy metals. This could seriously pollute the Ottawa and St.

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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colacem statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of heavy metals.

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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colacem statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of heavy metals.

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With all the precaution taken, nobody can garantee us, that our water and air system will not be contaminated. We have had contamination of our air and water systems from polution that exist now, that in the past were not know to be dangerous.

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To whom this may concern, PLEASE REFUSE THE CEMENT PLANT PROJECT!!! I am a 27 year old woman who grew up in Hawkesbury my whole life. My fiancé and I just recently purchased our first home in L'Orignal where we planned to raise our family.

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Je suis en désaccord de l'implantation de la cimenterie Colacem dans notre village. Ma santé et celle de ma famille compte avant tout. Pour moi il y a seulement que des désavantages reliés à ce projet. J'espère que vous prendrez en considération l'avis des gens. Merci

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My husband and I have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colacem statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of heavy metals.

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Reference Number 8920-AAYNPB ''Environmental Compliance Approval (Sewage) for Calecom Canada Inc.'' I do not agree with that the water residue to be discharged to the Charlebois Drain because the drain discharges into the Outaouais River.

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Re: Reference Number 8920-AAYNPB - Environmental Compliance Approval (Sewage) for Calecom Canada Inc. I do not agree with the propostion to discharge the water in Charlebois Drain which then goes into the Outaouais River.

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I say no to the ciment plant. Our health, our environment, our eco system and the presevation of our planet is primordial! We are in dire times to find healthy, green and environnement friendly solutions to cement or any other chemical based products. S Lecours

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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colacem statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of heavy metals.

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L’Orignal, August 25th, 2016. To whom it may concern, Je partage 100% l'opinion de Michael Santella et je la fais mienne et vous demande de garder notre rivière OUTAOUAIS EN SANTÉ ET TOUS NOS CONCITOYENS AUSSI.

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Any action done or to be done by this cement company should be stopped or refused if any pollution will occur either by air, or in our water system that may affect now or in the future, human health, vegetation or wildlife.

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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colacem statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of heavy metals.

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