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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colacem statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of heavy metals.

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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colacem’s statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of cadmium and other heavy metals.

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The proposed waste discharge, which ultimately will find its way into the water table and into the Ottawa river, should NOT be allowed under any circumstances. Scientific evidence is overwhelmingly clear about the serious direct negative affects on the environment and health.

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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colacem’s statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of cadmium and other heavy metals.

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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colacem’s statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of cadmium and other heavy metals.

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Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, I am not intereste at all to have this company in the area of the Ottawa River. They will polluate the river, with the ciment as well as all the environment. So be aware that no one here wants to have this company in their yard!

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I do not think that this type of business should be located in the proposed area due to population base and agricultural base present surrounding the site. The main employer close to the proposed site has invested millions in an environmental dust collector.

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Please, help us and our next generation growing in our beautiful agricultural and residential area alonhg the Ottawa river. This giant international company, Colacem, is planning to pollute the whole region and our river with this huge ciment plant.

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It has taken generations for this area to attempt to clean up the old Hawkesbury Ontario C.I.P paper mill of the Outaouais river......and we're still trying to clean it up today.

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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colacem’s statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of cadmium and other heavy metals.

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As a Concerned Citizen I put forward that the proposed cement plant is too close the the Ottawa River and that the polluted water discharged from it will find its way into the local water systems and ultimately into the Ottawa River.

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Non à l'implantation d'une cimenterie à l'Orignal. Non à la pollution de l'environement, de l'eau, du sol, de notre santé, Non à la pollution par le bruit, la luminosité 24/24 7/7 . Non au changement de zonage dans un milieu agricol et residentiel.

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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colacem statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of heavy metals.

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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colacem’s statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of cadmium and other heavy metals.

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We, the reidents on Bay Road in L'Orignal, all have surface wells along the Bay on the Ottawa River and any contaminants in the river filter into our drinking water. The Colacem proposed cement plant only 2 km away from the river will dump heavy metals into the bay.

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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colacem statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of heavy metals.

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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colacem statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of heavy metals.

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I am very concerned that the heavy metals released from cement plants of this type will be discharged into the Charlebois Creek, and hence into the Ottawa and St. Lawrence Rivers. This, of course, will pose significant risks to both the natural environment and public health.

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Having read the documentation, we have reasons to believe that, contrary to Colacem statements, used water discharged by the Cement Plant in the Charlebois creek towards the Ottawa River will contain serious amount of heavy metals.

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