I am writing this objection in response to the Notice regarding the application for a Category 2,
Class A License by Giofam Investments Inc. to mine granite from a proposed quarry located on Part
of Lots 18 through 21, Concession 4, and Part Lots 19 and 20, Concession 5, in the geographic
Township of Dalton, formerly the County of Victoria, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes. Please
accept the following as some of the reasons for my objection.
The following are my concerns and questions that I would like to have addressed and answered prior
to any approval of this quarry.
Experts in silica say that it could take up to 15 years for any evidence that silica dust could
cause a health problem. There is now documentation that granite counter tops used in household
kitchens have been found to give off radiation thus causing serious health hazards to the
I want to know and be assured that this silica dust is not a threat to the residents of the area
and wildlife. In fact I am requesting documentation and study reports to support that we are not at
risk. Residents in the area are panicking, putting their homes up for sale, because of the
potential risk. The quarry has already begun its destruction of the community. There are homesteads
that have been in families for generations. Young families with children have real concerns of what
effects this dust will have on their children in years to come. Should we be eating the food that
we grow in this potentially poisoned soil? Should we be selling this food to outsiders to consume?
This quarry offers nothing positive to the community which is already struggling. We are told that
residents always lose in the end. How is it that a quarry owner can purchase any piece of land,
destroy a community, wildlife and disrupt people who have used this area for years and the
government supports this? Why does the government not control quarry sites and keep them in close
proximity? Why is it supported by the government that quarries can pick and choose many locations
to destroy? There are too many sites now that have destroyed and disrupted wildlife, our heritage,
communities, businesses, ...
We have a small, family business on our farm. It has taken us 12 years to build this. My family has
worked extremely hard to build this business. Giofam now puts our business at risk. Our customers
have concerns about the heavy use of the trucks that will be using this road. It is already heavily
used by logging trucks. School buses make many stops on this road. Are our children at more of a
Giofam found it amusing at the first public meeting when concerns were expressed that the Spotted
Turtle (which is a species at risk) could be at risk. Spotted turtles have been spotted on this
proposed site and are known to be in the Cranberry River. I want assurance that all wildlife will
not be affected by this proposed quarry. I do not believe that there are no species at risk on this
site. I would like definitive answers by an independent consultant other than one employed by
Some residents in the area had their wells tested. Even at this point they were misled as to why
their wells were being tested. My one neighbour had high levels of lead in their water. Why were
they not notified immediately? They have been drinking this contaminated, health-threatening water
for years. This to me is criminal. It also tells me that we are not in the best interest to Giofam
and I do not trust them to monitor the effects their quarry will have on our health or the
environment. I was told at the meeting that letters were sent out to the well owners. Why is it
that 10 residents that I know of did not receive these letters?
Residents are concerned that the value of their homes and property will decline. What compensation
will Giofam offer to the residents of the area?
I am not convinced that there will not be some adverse effects on the Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands
Provincial Park and the surrounding area. This whole area is important to many species including
plants and animals. This quarry will definitely have adverse effects. There is no documentation or
advice from the experts that can stop this from happening. We cannot take the chance. I am
requesting the government take a stand and respect residents, the environment and wildlife in
proposed areas that are subject to having a quarry.
As citizens we are demanding that government support our rights and concerns and stop this quarry
from destroying our heritage, our wildlife, our livelihoods, and our community.
No Acceptable Haul Routes and Public Safety at Risk
Monck Road is narrow, winding, and has beautiful scenery. It would need significant widening and
asphalt build-up before becoming a haul route. Quarry trucks will leave a trail of dust, including
silica dust, on and beside the roads, on the Head River and on Young’s Lake. The road is used by
the people who live here to get to work, to schools, to and from agricultural operations, to local
businesses, to friends, and to community sports and activities. It is also used by emergency
vehicles. After leaving the Monck Road the quarry trucks will travel south or north on Highway 169
and then travel great distances before reaching any 400-series highways. The province should look
at using the existing quarries along the 400 highway in the Parry Sound area before it starts to
excavate granite from virgin operations which need to depend on secondary arterial roads for
transport. There is no agreement on who would pay for the capital and ongoing maintenance of the
Monck Road and no plans are in place for bringing the road up to standards before the quarry
operation begins.
The increased traffic on the Monck Road would cause significant problems for the existing users. We
already have to deal with a lot of tourism traffic in the summer and there have been numerous
fatalities on the Monck Road in the last 5 years – many of them caused by speeding or passing on
curves. There will be health issues from truck emissions, especially if and when the trucks line
up at the quarry gate. The noise from trucks, especially the empty ones, is a concern and one not
dealt with in the application documents. Finally, the increased traffic (and the nature of it) will
create safety risks for cars, school buses, farm vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists. One accident
is too many.
The proposed entrance to the quarry is totally unacceptable. Although it falls within MTO MINIMUM
sight requirements those of us who live in this area know that it will become another dangerous
area on the Monck Road. At the present time making a left- or right-hand turn from or on to Lake
Dalrymple Road is precarious. Nine times out of ten someone is on your bumper right after you make
your turn.
Unacceptable Impacts on the Water Supply and Water Quality
The only source of drinking and household water in this area is groundwater. All private wells for
homes, neighbouring farms, and businesses rely on it. The proponent has dug boreholes to monitor
well water levels on the quarry site and plans to monitor wells within a one km radius of the
quarry. This means that as few as three properties might have their wells tested annually. This is
not adequate and the well monitoring needs to be carried out in at least a three km radius. The
mitigation system includes trigger mechanisms which will warn the applicant when water levels drop
but we want guarantees that our wells will remain clean and operational. The mitigration system
includes no details and no contingency should it fail. This state of affairs leaves our community
Water produced from dewatering the open pits will be fed into nearby watercourses which will then
flow into the Cranberry and Head River watersheds. The proponent will be applying for a permit to
take as much as 8.1 million litres of water per day. This is equivalent to the consumption of
approximately 10,000 households (based on Environment Canada’s published per capita residential
consumption in Ontario of 260 litres per day and assuming three persons per household). Discharging
this amount of water into the Cranberry River would double the flow rate during low flow periods in
the summer.
Drawing this amount of water from the water table and then discharging it into the river is likely
to affect the many species of wildlife that live in the wetlands and the Cranberry River and their
The new Clean Water Act promises protection for our drinking water right at its source. The law
promises to prevent problems before they happen. If something goes wrong, there is no Plan B for
our drinking water. Protection of our water must be the first priority and take precedence over a
proposed quarry.
Destruction of the Natural Environment in Our Unspoiled Township
This is a beautiful part of the province. There are forests, meadows, lakes, rivers, streams,
swamps, and unspoiled wilderness. And, because these habitats exist, we have pike, walleye, bass,
and muskie; songbirds, osprey, herons, owls, waterfowl, loggerhead shrike, hawks and other raptors;
white tailed deer, foxes, coyotes, bears, beavers, minks, and otters; a wide range of insects;
turtles, frogs, 5-lined skinks and salamanders; and other creatures. We have flora like the
tamarack, burl oak and numerous species of wildflowers and mosses. Quarries and the huge open pit
mines they create are destructive. They remove everything in the extraction area – the soil, the
plants and the trees, and they change the temperature and chemistry of the streams. Habitats are
permanently lost. Endangered species, species at risk and their habitats, are present on and around
the site. Some were mentioned in the Giofam reports; some were not. The quarry would impact all of
them and how they connect to one another. Giofam Investments’ application documents tell us they
concede these features are present but they want us to believe that the unproven mitigation system
will take care of everything. Field studies were undertaken for the application but a lot of the
findings relied on out-of-date studies and reports and several suppositions when data was not
Protecting the diversity of species here and maintaining natural corridors and connectivity is very
important. The MNR should be doing everything in its power to protect the combination of natural
attributes existing in this area. Blasting, dust, noise, vibrations, lights, fuelling and
maintenance, and trucking would also negatively affect the environment. The destruction from an
open pit mine would be permanent.
The proposed site will be the next door neighbour of the Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial
Park, a park created to fulfil four objectives: protection, heritage appreciation, recreation, and
tourism. None of these objectives will be met if a quarry is permitted right beside the park,
especially since the quarry property will not be fenced. The MNR should be more concerned with
protecting our natural resources rather than with exploiting them.
The accessory use area will be in full sight of the Monck Road – a constant reminder of what we
can’t see going on in the background. The applicant claims that this is for security purposes. We
want the complete facility to be out of our sight and the applicant has more than enough land to
move the accessory uses area away from public view.
Damage to Farm Land
Growing / raising and buying local food is important to all of us. The number of working farms in
our area has diminished considerably in the last 20 years. However, there is an active farm right
beside the proposed quarry and we are all concerned that this and other farms in the area could be
affected by water impacts, dust, noise, and truck traffic on the same road used by farmers and
farming equipment.
The Land is not Zoned for Mineral Extraction under the Official Plan; This Proposed Use is
The land for the proposed quarry is zoned rural, residential, not for mineral extraction by an
industrial company. There are no other quarries in Dalton Township and I do not think the Official
Plan should be changed to allow their existence in our quiet, clean, natural environment.
Tranquility is the largest natural resource in Dalton Township and it is a resource that benefits
not only the residents of Dalton Township but the many tourists who pass through our area.
Please deny this quarry licence. Approval of the licence will adversely affect or interfere with
public health and safety, comfort levels, the enjoyment and normal use of our property and will
impair the quality of the natural environment.
Soumis le 16 mai 2019 11:23 AM
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Giofam Investments Inc. - Issuance of a licence to remove over 20,000 tonnes of aggregate annually from a pit or a quarry
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