I want the Ministry to know …

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Commenting on behalf of

Port Elgin Beach Preservers

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Comment approved More about comment statuses


I want the Ministry to know :
1-that this commercial/retail development was the only submission in March 2019 in response to an RFP to develop a site in the North-East corner of the main beach in Port Elgin
2- the current proposed building footprint is 25,000 square feet of commercial/retail development 3- the entire site of land and buildings is approximately 88,000 square feet
4- the CCV development is proposed to be built on a dynamic sand beach, on land that for the last 100 years,  has been used for parking, a mini-putt golf course and a small 2000 square foot retail store to accompany a mini-steam locomotive (a tourist attraction that provided rides to the North Shore Park and back) 
5-  currently the proposed site has been graded and all buildings and mini-putt removed. It is a sand parking lot.
6- neither the proponent nor the Town has submitted a Planning Application for this NEW development  to Bruce County. They say that one is not required as there are no by-law amendments or variances  required and that it meets all zoning by-laws.
7- the proposed site development is bordered on the East side (across the street) by a  30 m of a strip of residential homes 
8- the proposed site development is bordered on the North side (across the street) by  a four-storey condominium apartment building and one private residence
9- the proposed site development is bordered on the West and South by sand beach and Lake Huron
10- neither the site plan for the new location or any of the hydrogeological, geotechnical or stormwater management reports for the new site location have as yet been forwarded to the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority for approval
11- the attached hydrogeological assessment by Hydrogeology Consulting Services, (HCS), the Geotechnical Investigation and its addendum by CMT Engineering, are all based on the original site, which was closer to Lake Huron (site plan attached).  The site location was moved  on November 22, 2021.  (new site plan attached)  We feel that all three of these reports must be resubmitted based on the new site location.