This is a major concern. This will affect the water table of the lake, disturb fish and other water inhabitants and possibly stir up pollutants. The noise of pumps running 24/7 in a residential area is also concerning.
I’m sure there are many environmental concerns returning recycled water into the lake. Water level concerns and noise concerns for harbour residents that reside on boats during the summer
The entire development is an environmental nightmare.
- a massive build on a small beach
- height of buildings destroys scenic views and world famous sunsets
- fill brought to ancient relic sand to takes structures
- noise pollution affecting wildlife and humans
- light pollution affecting all life and natural areas
- unbelievable nightmare for neighbours in a residential area
- lack of parking for visiting beach visitors
Submitted February 23, 2022 11:49 AM
Comment on
2706913 Ontario Inc. - Permit to take water
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