This consultation was open from:
August 16, 2021
to September 15, 2021
Decision summary
In accordance with the Pesticides Act, Denatonium Benzoate has been added to the list of Active Ingredients Authorized for Cosmetic Uses (Allowable List).
Location details
Site location details
Director under the Pesticides Act
Foster Bldg 9th Flr,
40 St Clair Ave W.
M4V 1M2
Decision details
Denatonium Benzoate is an animal repellent found in domestic pesticides used to control wild and domestic animals from chewing on outdoor plants and outdoor household items.
In accordance with s.7.1(1)1 of the Pesticides Act, the director is satisfied that this active ingredient meets the criteria under s.17(1)2 of O. Reg. 63/09 and is appropriate for use for a cosmetic purpose.
As required by s. 7.1(1)2 of the Pesticides Act, the director has listed Denatonium Benzoate in the prescribed document titled "List of Active Ingredients Authorized for Cosmetic Uses (Allowable List)". The Allowable List is published by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on and can be accessed by following the link included in the Supporting Materials section at the end of this notice.
Effects of consultation
Summary of comment(s) received
One comment was received from a member of the public expressing concerns regarding the potential human health and environmental risks associated with the use of this active ingredient, as well as implications resulting from its broad use by the general public, including potential contraventions with label directions.
The comment shares scientific information and references regarding the acute toxicity and persistence of the chemical and poses numerous questions on how the pesticide will be used (application equipment, site of use, buffer zones, use near water, licensing etc.). Concerns were expressed with the potential for accidental exposure to humans, pesticide movement to neighbouring yards (e.g. vegetable gardens and pools) and wildlife incidents (e.g. birds’ nests in treated shrubs). Concerns were also raised about consumer intentions (“to drive out all animal life from their yards”) and potential for misuse. Finally, alternative solutions (e.g. fencing) were presented.
The management of pesticides is a joint responsibility of the federal and provincial/territorial governments.
Ontario relies on Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) to review the health and environmental impacts of pesticides before they are approved for sale and use across Canada, by ensuring that they pose minimal risk to human health and the environment, when used according to label requirements.
While Denatonium Benzoate is of moderate acute toxicity, the PMRA has determined that the product is used in such a manner as to not result in significant human or environmental exposure.
Like other provinces, Ontario is responsible for regulating the sale, use, storage, transportation, and disposal of pesticides, including issuing licenses and, where applicable, permits to protect human health and environment.
Under Ontario’s cosmetic pesticides ban, pesticide products that only contain active ingredients listed in the Allowable List are allowed for cosmetic purposes, such as to control weeds and insects in lawns. Active ingredients on the Allowable List are active ingredients that include biopesticides and non-conventional pesticides that pose a low risk to human health and the environment based on consideration of factors such as having low toxicity and not persisting in the environment.
This allows anyone in Ontario to use these pesticides to control weeds and other pests on lawns, gardens, driveways and other areas such as in parks or around the home.
Federally approved pest control product label includes instructions on how a pesticide is to be used to ensure that it does not cause any adverse impacts. These federally approved labels include mandatory instructions, such as requirements for personal protective equipment when applying to protect the applicator’s health; instructions to prevent damage to non-targets, as well as statements on how the pesticide is to be applied to prevent adverse impacts to neighboring properties and the environment due to drift.
Federally approved label instructions are enforceable, and the ministry continues to respond to incidents and reports of suspected non-compliance and to ensure compliance with requirements under the ban.
Any person applying a pesticide must comply with the pesticide product’s federally approved label as well as provincial requirements that apply. The public can report a suspected improper pesticide use to the ministry’s Spills Action Centre (1-800-268-6060 or or to the nearest regional or district office (
Supporting materials
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How to Appeal
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Connect with us
Sherif Hegazy
40 St. Clair Avenue West
7th floor
M4V 1M2
Original proposal
Proposal details
J. Mudryj Regulatory Consultants Inc. on behalf of Ur-Can Inc. has submitted a request to add an active ingredient to the Allowable List” to the Director under the Pesticides Act.
The Director under the Pesticides Act is proposing to add denatonium benzoate to the “List of Active Ingredients Authorized for Cosmetic Uses (Allowable List)”.
Denatonium benzoate is an animal repellent found in domestic pesticides used for control of animal chewing behaviour impacting plants and outdoor household items.
Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, registers pesticides after completing a rigorous review of scientific studies on potential impacts on human health and the environment.
Ontario’s cosmetic pesticide ban prohibits the use of pesticides for cosmetic purposes unless the ministry-appointed Director under the Pesticides Act has determined that the pesticide (the active ingredient) is appropriate for use for a cosmetic purpose and has added the active ingredient to the “List of Active Ingredients Authorized for Cosmetic Uses (Allowable List)”. Section 17 of Ontario Regulation 63/09 sets out the rules the director must follow to determine if the active ingredient is appropriate for use for a cosmetic purpose.
Supporting materials
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Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.
Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.
Commenting is now closed.
This consultation was open from August 16, 2021
to September 15, 2021
Connect with us
Sherif Hegazy
40 St. Clair Avenue West
7th floor
M4V 1M2
Comments received
Through the registry
1By email
0By mail