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As the proponent of this amending application, we have been asked by a member of the public to hold
an open house regarding this project to better describe what is being applied for.  Although we are

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What approximate quantities of the new waste classes are expected to enter the facility? Is there a

What form do these wastes enter and leave the facility in? (Mixed solutions? Random companies?)

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Commenting on the Terrapure Imperial Street site.  The potential to add more chemicals to an
already long list is not acceptable to residents in such close proximity to the facility. 

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I am opposed to this proposal by Terrapure to increase their acceptable waste classes at their
Imperial Street location for the following reasons:

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I propose to send this application back to the proponent to further study and provide information
on the noise impacts of the hammer mill and shredder units. At a community open house on October

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Dear Madam/ Sir,
Please accept this submission as Environment Hamilton’s formal comments regarding the Revolution
Landfilll Acquisition GP Inc. (commonly known as Terrapure) application to secure an amendment to

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