As President of the…

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As President of the Rockcliffe-Smythe Community Association, I speak on behalf of our organization and am opposed to granting new emissions permits to this company. 1. The area is now mostly residential and retail - this heavily air and water polluting industry doesn't belong here anymore and should be re-located into an industrial park away from our homes, new Mall and new craft beer and social gathering hub, and the creek it now directly pollutes with impunity. 2. We will soon have another c. 1,500 new residential units being built nearby, and anticipate a major new Smart Track station and other public transportation improvements at St. Clair, Gunns Rd. and vicinity, bringing thousands of new visitors and inhabitants to the area . All of us need to have a pleasant and wholesome living, meeting, transit and shopping area, and all new permits should reflect a new vision that builds new economic and social capacity in this emerging Neighbourhood Improvement Area. 3. This industry already regularly pollutes beyond any reasonable limit and should not be rewarded with even more allowances. The otherwise lovely area already reeks - enough is enough. A reassessment of existing permits and emissions should reveal no additional permits are warranted, and that remediation and improvements are instead required. 4. Even at legal emissions levels, this industry is heavily polluting and not a good neighbour: residents have raised concerns on a regular basis and problems have persisted. Gaseous emissions accumulate and concentrate in the adjacent valley, creating untenable conditions. Additional issues include trucks idling and blocking access to residential streets and other businesses. 5. This company plans to expand operations into our vulnerable Black Creek flood basin, against everyone's wishes, to pave over and industrialize several acres, further displacing regular catastrophic sewage-filled floodwaters back into residential, school, business and municipal property basements and parking lots. New emissions and truck traffic here are particularly unwelcome.

[Original Comment ID: 214893]