The proposal and licence…

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The proposal and licence application should be denied, and the governments reasons for doing so clearly defined. It is the ultimate hypocrasy to allege to protect the environment and destroy it at the same time. This proposal will destroy the environment in the area of the Queen Elizabeth Park, and there is no list of species being protected by this proposal and how many will avoid danger of extinction, endangerment or species at risk. It should be the objective to list how species will be saved and what is the plan. What is the plan for each and every species? I would like to have this explained to me and this government to be accountable to me and every other citizen. We need more people hired to save the environment, not destroy it. If this corporation has enough money to destroy the environment through such a proposal then that corporation has enough money to pay taxes for the government to hire more environmental activists. What is the plan to eliminate unemployment through environmental hiring? I wish to be a part of this decisionmaking process, when will the govenment return to me an explaination of the decision and why? Why was I not notified regarding this proposal. In each and every letter I send I ask to be included, but I receiive no notification. Can you explain to me why I am not included, in a democracy where the government should be held accountable for every thing that is decided and legislated. When will I get an answer?