We invite you to review and comment on the proposed Long-term Management Direction for the 2021-2031 Forest Management Plan for the Dog River-Matawin Forest.
We are notifying the public a permit has been issued for an activity that will impact Pitcher’s Thistle in order to remove a cabin on Cockburn Island, Ontario. The permit includes actions to minimize adverse effects, beneficial actions for the species as well as monitoring and reporting requirements.
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation has applied to amend an existing permit under clause 17(2)(c) of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 to remove habitat for the Little Brown Myotis, Northern Myotis, Eastern Small-footed Myotis and Tri-coloured Bat (the Species) in order to proceed with highway 427 extension in Vaughan, Ontario.
The Township of McNab/Braeside has submitted a proposal in relation to an overall benefit permit under clause 17(2)(c) of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 with respect to Blanding's turtle and it's habitat in order to undertake road and culvert activities.
Renfrew Power Generation Inc. has submitted a proposal in relation to an overall benefit permit under clause 17(2)(c) of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 with respect to Butternut trees for the purpose of constructing a buried penstock at their hydroelectric generating facility in Renfrew, Ontario.
A private landowner has submitted a proposal in relation to an overall benefit permit under clause 17(2)(c) of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 with respect to the habitat of Wood turtle for the purpose of clearing vegetation on residential lots in Renfrew County, Ontario.
On December 9, 2019, Ontario Regulation 416/19 revoked 29 Minister’s Zoning Orders (MZOs) in northern Ontario. Revoking these 29 MZOs will reduce regulatory burden imposed by the province and will lead to a more consistent approach of development control across northern Ontario for unincorporated areas that are not part of a planning board.
City of Brampton has submitted a proposal in relation to an overall benefit permit under clause 17(2)(c) of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 with respect to Redside Dace in order to construct pedestrian crossings and trails in the city of Brampton.
Instrument type:
Permit for activities to achieve an overall benefit to a species
ERO number
Notice type
Notice stage
Decision posted
Proposal posted
Comment period
July 30, 2019 - August 29, 2019 (30 days) Closed
Last updated
We have issued a benefit permit to the Regional Municipality of York for construction activities that will impact Redside Dace. The permit includes actions to minimize adverse effects and benefit the species, as well as monitoring and reporting requirements.
Instrument type:
Approval for a consent (subject to conditions) in an area where there is no official plan in place
ERO number
Notice type
Notice stage
Decision posted
Proposal posted
Comment period
September 19, 2019 - October 19, 2019 (30 days) Closed
Last updated
Pursuant to Section 53 of the Planning Act, provisional consent was granted on December 12, 2019 in respect of Application No. 54-C-197946. The last date of appeal of this decision under the Planning Act is January 1, 2020.
December 16, 2004 - February 14, 2005 (60 days) Closed
Last updated
In an ongoing effort to modernize the Environmental Registry and keep it current, we have identified this as a posting that is no longer pertinent or active.