The Director of Exploration has made a decision on the exploration permit application PR-21-000217 to Evolution Mining Gold Operations Ltd. for early exploration activities 90 kilometres north west of Wabauskang First Nation, Ontario, in Skinner Township, District of Kenora, North West Region.
This proposal is to amend the Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) No. A220249 for the existing Safety-Kleen Canada Inc. waste transfer facility located at 25 Regan Road, City of Brampton. The amendment seeks to increase the number of waste bins that can be stored outside at the site.
We amended the Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) No. A220249 for the existing Safety-Kleen Canada Inc. waste transfer facility located at 25 Regan Road, City of Brampton. The amendment increased the number of waste bins that can be stored outside at the site.
Kirkland Lake Gold Inc. has submitted a Mine Closure Plan Amendment for filing by the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry as required under the Mining Act.
A new Environmental Compliance Approval was approved for 2747327 Ontario Inc. for industrial stormwater management works to serve 2335 Discovery Drive, located in the City of London, Ontario.
On July 30, 2021, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing filed a Zoning Order, made pursuant to clause 47(1)(a) of the Planning Act, with the Registrar of Regulations as Ontario Regulation (O. Reg.) 545/21. The City of Toronto requested that the Minister consider making the Zoning Order.
On July 30, 2021, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing filed a Zoning Order, made pursuant to clause 47(1)(a) of the Planning Act, with the Registrar of Regulations as Ontario Regulation (O. Reg.) 546/21. The City of Toronto requested that the Minister consider making the Zoning Order.
The Director of Exploration has made a decision on the exploration permit application PR-21-000227 to Argo Gold Inc. for early exploration activities approximately 50 kilometres north east of Kapuskasing, Ontario, in Hurdman township, District of Cochrane, Northeast Region.
On July 30, 2021, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing filed a Zoning Order, made pursuant to clause 47(1)(a) of the Planning Act, with the Registrar of Regulations as Ontario Regulation (O. Reg.) 547/21. The City of Toronto requested that the Minister consider making the Zoning Order.
On July 30, 2021, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing filed an Amending Zoning Order with the Registrar of Regulations as Ontario Regulation (O.Reg.) 550/21 which amends O. Reg. 169/21 to permit additional uses including a seniors residence and other institutional uses on part of a property known municipally as 36 Apple Creek Boulevard.
On July 30, 2021, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing filed a Zoning Order, made pursuant to clause 47(1)(a) of the Planning Act, with the Registrar of Regulations as Ontario Regulation (O. Reg.) 549/21. The Town of Oakville requested that the Minister consider making a Zoning Order.
On July 30, 2021 the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing filed a Zoning Order with the Registrar of Regulations as Ontario Regulation 537/21 to permit manufacturing/industrial uses in the Township of McNab/Braeside.
On July 30, 2021 the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing filed a Zoning Order with the Registrar of Regulations as Ontario Regulation 538/21 to permit manufacturing/industrial uses in the Township of McNab/Braeside.