Comment ID,Commenting on behalf of,Organization,Comment,Supporting links,Supporting documents,Comment approved,Comment moderation,created,Link to comment, 46222,on my own behalf,,"For a species at risk, every effort should be made to preserve the animals habitat. I am not sure this is being done. I did review that action being taken by Mattamy homes, which is commendable, but I do not think any habitat of species at risk should be developed until: (a) the species is not longer at risk or (b) the proponent can ensure the REQUIRED measures taken PRIOR to the development to ensure no animals are lost as a result of the development. There are far too many species at risk right now. Any further human interference that would result in a continued loss of animals is not acceptable.",,,Yes,,05/24/2020 14:27,comment/46222, 46253,on my own behalf,,"There is no way that any habitat for the turtles should be modified in any way for construction of a subdivision. The province is running out of natural areas that serve a purpose to the benefit of the climate and the overall well being of the earth and the human race. Build outside of the habitat area only. Build up not out and leave the habitat for future generations to enjoy. There is no way that any turtles should be killed, harrassed or harmed in any way. When nature tries to re-inhabit following construction of the subdivision they will not be well treated by the residents and more turtle mortality will likely occur. Protect the creatures that cannot protect themselves. When the property was purchased, the developer should have done some homework to determine the limitations and accounted for the presence of the turtles in the potential land coverage for homes so that their project costs included saving all of the habitat. Thank-you for your time.",,,Yes,,05/26/2020 1:22,comment/46253, 46397,on my own behalf,,"I am opposed to this proposal. The goal of the ESA is the protection and recovery of species at risk, not the minimization of harm to these species. Moreover, this proposal is not directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic. A decision should be made until after the pandemic-related restrictions are lifted and Ontario Regulation 115/20 expires, to ensure that all Statements of Environmental Values are considered.",,,Yes,,06/02/2020 10:28,comment/46397, 46703,"in my professional capacity, on behalf of my organization","Region of Waterloo, Community Planning","Re: ERO number: 019-149 Application: Mattamy Homes Ltd., Permit for activities to achieve an overall benefit to a species Ministry reference number: WC-C-001-19 These comments are submitted in response to ERO number 019-149 (Mattamy Homes Ltd.- Permit for activities to achieve an overall benefit to a species). The development that is subject to the Overall Benefit Permit (OBP) application is located within the City of Kitchener, in the Region of Waterloo, and these comments are provided from Region of Waterloo staff. Region of Waterloo staff in the Community Planning Department are of the opinion that the issuance of the requested OBP for Mattamy Homes Ltd. is premature at this time and respectfully request that the consideration of the OBP be reserved until such time as the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, Species At Risk (MECP) has provided an assessment of the habitat that is proposed to be removed through the OBP. There are related wetland issues that the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNRF) will need to address pending MECP’s advice. November 2, 2018 MNRF staff advised that a review of the wetlands was being undertaken, and that there was potential for the Strasburg 1 wetland to be upgraded to a provincially significant wetland (PSW). MNRF staff also noted that the observation of Blanding’s Turtle in the wetland identified as “W4” would result in the status being changed to PSW, and W4 would be complexed with the surrounding wetland complex. November 19, 2018, MNRF staff provided additional correspondence, noting that although wetlands within the subject lands were not identified by the MNRF as habitat for Blanding’s Turtle, habitat mapping for Species At Risk are considered open files, and the project team was advised to submit an ESA Information Gathering Form to address Blanding’s Turtle. Subsequent to that correspondence, responsibility for the Endangered Species Act was transitioned to MECP (April 1, 2019). Notwithstanding this, the evaluation of the wetlands still falls under the MNRF mandate. As recently as March 10, 2020, MNRF staff advised that they would be reviewing the status of these wetlands, but the results of the MNRF review have not yet been finalized. Additional information and confirmation of the matters surrounding the OBP and wetland status have been repeatedly requested by City of Kitchener staff, but complete information has not yet been provided and/or acknowledged and accepted by MNRF and MECP staff, respectively. It is recognized that due to numerous personnel changes within both Ministries, there has not been a consistent staff involved in the review of the file. As a result, it does not appear that Ministry staff have had a chance to evaluate the supporting information to allow them to provide an opinion on the OBP or the wetland status. However, this evaluation is important to the integrity of the overall process and in the absence of complete information from the MECP and MNRF, the issuance of an OBP is premature. In closing, the Region requests that the consideration of the OBP for Mattamy Homes Ltd (ERO number 019-149; Ministry Reference number WC-C-001-19) be postponed until such time as the MECP and MNRF have verified the status of wetland W3, and the City of Kitchener has received the requested additional information and confirmation of the matters surrounding the OBP and wetland status, from both the MECP and MNRF.",,,Yes,,06/21/2020 11:57,comment/46703, *Three additional comments were received but included personal information and are not included,,,,,,,,,,