This consultation was open from:
November 10, 2020
to December 10, 2020
Decision summary
Approval was granted for a site plan amendment to allow Syrier Poultry Ltd. to amend several operational details on the site plan for Licence No. 5575, operating in the Township of Blandford-Blenheim.
Location details
Site location details
Syrier Poultry Ltd.
354 Arthur Street South
N3B 2P4
Decision details
The changes to the site plan for ARA Licence No. 5575 were approved by the Regional Director on September 17, 2021. This approval authorizes the following site plan amendments:
- reconfiguration of the below water extraction area that will result in a different shape of the pond upon final rehabilitation;
- existing berms to remain in situ upon final rehabilitation
- permit the scale, scale house, office and hydro-line to remain upon final rehabilitation
- permit existing on-site haul road to remain as part of final rehabilitation
- permit the existing yard area around office buildings to remain upon final rehabilitation
- permit a 2000 tonne stockpile of aggregate material to remain upon final rehabilitation for onsite personal/farm use
- permit a rock barrier along west side of pond (for safety) between road and water
A copy of the approved site plan for this licenced site can be obtained from the contact identified below.
Effects of consultation
No comments were received in response to the Environmental Registry notice.
One comment was received through the ARA consultation process indicating no concerns with the proposal.
Supporting materials
View materials in person
Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.
Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.
300 Water Street
4th Floor, South tower
K9J 3C7
How to Appeal
Appeals are not allowed
This instrument type cannot be appealed. Learn more about our consultation process.
Connect with us
Sonya Zuber
300 Water Street, 4th Floor South tower
K9J 3C7
Original proposal
Proposal details
Amendments to the Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) site plan include the following proposed changes:
- Reconfiguration of the below water extraction area (will result in a different shape of the pond upon final rehabilitation);
- Existing berms to remain in situ upon final rehabilitation;
- Permit the scale, scale house, office and hydro-line to remain upon final rehabilitation;
- Permit existing on-site haul road to remain as part of final rehabilitation;
- Permit the existing yard area around office buildings to remain upon final rehabilitation;
- Permit a 2000 tonne stockpile of aggregate material to remain upon final rehabilitation for onsite personal/farm use;
- Permit a rock barrier along west side of pond (for safety) between road and water.
Other information
Syrier Poultry Ltd. operates this licensed site under the authority of Licence No. 5575 pursuant to the ARA. In total, 15.8 hectares are currently licensed as a pit below the water table.
Public consultation opportunities
The request is being circulated within the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. Additionally, notification of this application will be forwarded to Blandford-Blenheim Township and Oxford County for comment.
Supporting materials
View materials in person
Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.
Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.
300 Water Street
4th Floor, South tower
K9J 3C7
Commenting is now closed.
This consultation was open from November 10, 2020
to December 10, 2020
Connect with us
Calinda Manning
300 Water Street
4th Floor, South tower
K9J 3C7
Comments received
Through the registry
0By email
1By mail